Our Policies

Our campaign believes in the power of a free, competitive, and open market economy to drive economic growth, create jobs, and improve living standards for all Sri Lankans. At the same time, we recognize the importance of ensuring that economic growth is inclusive, sustainable, and socially responsible. Our policy framework aims to promote a balanced and pragmatic approach to economic development, one that harnesses the dynamism of the private sector while also addressing the needs and aspirations of all segments of society, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.

The power of a free, competitive, and open market economy drives economic growth, create jobs, and improve living standards. At the same time, we recognize the importance of social responsibility, inclusivity, and sustainability in ensuring that the benefits of economic growth are widely shared and do not come at the expense of the environment, social cohesion, or future generations. Our policy framework aims to strike a balance between promoting market dynamism and innovation, while also ensuring that businesses and individuals act in a socially responsible manner and contribute to the greater good of society.

  • Promoting a Free, Competitive, and Open Market Economy
    • Ensure a level playing field for all businesses, regardless of size, sector, or ownership, by enforcing anti-trust laws, removing barriers to entry, and promoting fair competition
    • Reduce government intervention in the market, except where necessary to correct market failures, protect consumers, or ensure public safety and security
    • Liberalize trade and investment policies, by reducing tariffs and non-tariff barriers, simplifying customs procedures, and negotiating free trade agreements with key strategic partners such as India, China, the United States, and the European Union
    • Improve the ease of doing business by streamlining regulations, digitizing government services, and providing a stable and predictable policy environment for investors and entrepreneurs
  • Encouraging Socially Responsible Business Practices
    • Introduce a voluntary code of conduct for businesses, based on international standards and best practices for corporate social responsibility (CSR), covering areas such as labor rights, environmental protection, community engagement, and ethical business practices
    • Provide incentives and recognition for businesses that demonstrate strong commitment to CSR, such as tax credits, preferential procurement, and awards and certifications
    • Require large businesses to report annually on their CSR performance, using standardized metrics and frameworks, and to engage with stakeholders and address their concerns and expectations
    • Promote the adoption of sustainable and inclusive business models, such as social enterprises, cooperatives, and community-based businesses, that prioritize social and environmental impact alongside financial returns
  • Investing in Human Capital and Social Infrastructure
    • Reform the education system to focus on skills development, entrepreneurship, and innovation, and to better align with the needs of the labor market and the changing nature of work
    • Strengthen the social safety net, by providing targeted assistance to vulnerable and marginalized groups, such as the poor, the elderly, the disabled, and the displaced, and by expanding access to social insurance and protection programs
    • Promote greater inclusion and diversity in the workplace, by encouraging businesses to adopt fair and non-discriminatory hiring and promotion practices, and by providing support for women, youth, and minority entrepreneurs and workers
  • Promoting Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Growth
    • Develop a long-term strategic plan for sustainable economic development, based on Sri Lanka’s comparative advantages, natural resources, and human capital, and aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
    • Invest in renewable energy, green infrastructure, and clean technologies, to reduce Sri Lanka’s carbon footprint, improve energy security, and create new jobs and industries in the green economy
    • Promote sustainable tourism, by developing eco-friendly and culturally sensitive tourism products and services, and by ensuring that local communities benefit from and have a say in tourism development
    • Support the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly in rural and underserved areas, by providing access to finance, technology, and markets, and by fostering linkages with larger businesses and global value chains
  • Strengthening Institutions and Governance
    • Establish an independent competition authority, with the power to investigate and prosecute anti-competitive practices, and to promote fair and open markets across all sectors
    • Strengthen the independence and capacity of regulators, such as the Central Bank, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Public Utilities Commission, to ensure that they can effectively carry out their mandates and protect the public interest
    • Improve the transparency and accountability of government decision-making, by implementing right to information laws, open data policies, and public consultation and feedback mechanism
    • Combat corruption and promote integrity in business and government, by strengthening anti-corruption laws and institutions, promoting codes of conduct and ethics training, and protecting whistleblowers and journalists who expose wrongdoing
  • Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    • Establish a national innovation system, with policies and programs to support research and development, technology transfer, and commercialization of new products and services
    • Provide support for startups and early-stage businesses, loans, equity investments, and incubation and acceleration programs
    • Encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing between businesses, universities, and research institutions, through joint research projects, technology parks, and innovation clusters
    • Promote a culture of entrepreneurship and risk-taking, by celebrating successful entrepreneurs, providing entrepreneurship education and training, and reducing the stigma and barriers associated with business failure
  • Enhancing Regional and Global Integration
    • Deepen Sri Lanka’s economic integration with the South Asian region, by promoting trade, investment, and connectivity with neighboring countries such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
    • Leverage Sri Lanka’s strategic location and port infrastructure to become a hub for regional and global trade, particularly in the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal
    • Negotiate comprehensive economic partnership agreements with key trading partners, such as China, Japan, Singapore, and the United States, to expand market access, promote investment, and facilitate technology transfer
    • Participate actively in regional and global economic forums and institutions, such as the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and the Asian Development Bank, to shape the rules and norms of the international economic system in line with Sri Lanka’s interests and values
  • Promoting Responsible Consumption and Production
    • Encourage businesses and consumers to adopt sustainable and responsible consumption and production practices, by providing information, incentives, and regulations
    • Implement extended producer responsibility (EPR) schemes, where businesses are responsible for the environmental impact of their products throughout their lifecycle, from production to disposal
    • Promote the circular economy, by encouraging the reuse, repair, and recycling of products and materials, and by developing new business models based on sharing, leasing, and servitization
    • Support the development of local and sustainable food systems, by promoting organic and regenerative agriculture, reducing food waste and loss, and strengthening linkages between producers and consumers
  • Building Resilience and Adaptability
    • Develop a national resilience strategy, to prepare for and respond to economic, social, and environmental shocks and stresses, such as natural disasters, pandemics, and financial crises
    • Invest in risk reduction and management, by strengthening early warning systems, emergency response capacities, and social protection programs
    • Promote economic diversification and self-reliance, by developing new industries and sectors, reducing dependence on imports and foreign aid, and encouraging local production and consumption
    • Foster a culture of adaptability and lifelong learning, by providing education and training opportunities throughout the lifecycle, and by promoting skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving
  • Monitoring and Evaluating Progress
    • Establish a set of national indicators and targets for socially responsible and inclusive economic development, aligned with the SDGs and other international frameworks
    • Conduct regular assessments and evaluations of policies and programs, using evidence-based and participatory methods, to measure progress, identify gaps and challenges, and make course corrections as needed
    • Engage stakeholders and the public in monitoring and accountability processes, through citizen feedback mechanisms, social audits, and participatory budgeting
    • Report regularly and transparently on progress and challenges, using accessible and user-friendly formats and channels, and inviting feedback and dialogue with all segments of society

By implementing this comprehensive policy framework, we aim to create a socially responsible and inclusive market economy that works for all Sri Lankans, not just a privileged few. We believe that by harnessing the power of markets and the creativity of the private sector, while also ensuring that businesses and individuals act in a socially responsible and sustainable manner, we can build a more prosperous, equitable, and resilient future for our country. Our approach is rooted in the values of freedom, fairness, and solidarity, and in the recognition that economic growth and social progress are two sides of the same coin. Together, let us work towards a vision of a dynamic, inclusive, and sustainable economy that provides opportunities and benefits for all, and that positions Sri Lanka as a model and leader in the region and the world.

Our campaign envisions transforming Sri Lanka into a leading technology and knowledge-based economy in the region, leveraging our highly educated workforce and strategic location. We recognize that with a population of 22 million and a labor force of 9.5 million, our competitive advantage lies in high-value, knowledge-intensive sectors rather than labor-intensive manufacturing. Our policy framework aims to create an ecosystem that fosters innovation, research and development, and the creation of billion-dollar technology companies that can compete on the global stage.

  • Education and Skills Development
    • Reform the education system to focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) subjects, critical thinking, creativity and problem-solving skills from primary school onwards
    • Establish partnerships with leading global universities to set up satellite campuses or joint research programs in Sri Lanka
    • Introduce coding and digital literacy as mandatory subjects in schools
    • Develop specialized technology institutes focusing on emerging fields such as AI, machine learning, blockchain, and biotechnology
    • Implement a national reskilling and upskilling program for the existing workforce to adapt to the demands of a technology-driven economy
  • Research and Development (R&D) Ecosystem
    • Increase public investment in R&D in selected areas.
    • Establish a network of world-class research centers in key technology areas, such as AI, robotics, clean energy, and life sciences through Public-Private partnerships
    • Implement generous tax incentives for private sector R&D investment, including 100% tax deductions for qualifying R&D expenditures
    • Create a national research fund to support cutting-edge research projects and commercialization of innovations
    • Foster collaboration between universities, research institutions, and industry through joint research programs and technology transfer initiatives
  • Startup and Innovation Ecosystem
    • Establish a comprehensive startup support program, including mentorship, funding, and incubation facilities
    • Implement a regulatory sandbox to allow innovative fintech and other technology startups to test their products in a controlled environment
    • Introduce tax holidays and other incentives for technology startups and scale-ups
    • Develop specialized technology parks and innovation districts with state-of-the-art infrastructure and support services
  • Intellectual Property Rights and Commercialization
    • Strengthen intellectual property laws and enforcement mechanisms to protect innovations and attract international R&D investments
    • Streamline the patent application and approval process to reduce time and costs for inventors
    • Establish a technology transfer office to facilitate the commercialization of university and public research institution innovations
    • Provide legal and financial support for Sri Lankan companies to file international patents and protect their innovations globally
  • Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity
    • Invest in high-speed broadband infrastructure to ensure nationwide 5G coverage
    • Develop a national cloud computing infrastructure to support the growth of digital businesses and e-government services
    • Implement a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy to protect critical infrastructure and build trust in the digital economy
    • Promote the adoption of IoT (Internet of Things) and smart city technologies to improve urban management and quality of life
  • International Collaboration and Market Access
    • Establish bilateral technology cooperation agreements with leading technology nations such as the US, Israel, South Korea, and Singapore
    • Develop a “Digital Silk Road” initiative to position Sri Lanka as a technology and innovation hub connecting Asia with Africa and the Middle East
    • Implement policies to attract global technology companies to set up R&D centers and regional headquarters in Sri Lanka
    • Support Sri Lankan technology companies in expanding globally through export promotion programs and international partnerships
  • Regulatory Framework and Ease of Doing Business
    • Implement a “Digital Business Act” to provide a comprehensive legal framework for e-commerce, digital services, and emerging technologies
    • Streamline business registration and regulatory compliance processes through a single digital platform
    • Introduce flexible labor laws that cater to the needs of the technology sector, including provisions for remote work and gig economy
    • Develop a regulatory framework for emerging technologies such as AI, autonomous vehicles, and gene editing to ensure responsible innovation
  • Funding and Capital Markets
    • Establish a technology-focused stock exchange or trading platform to allow technology companies to raise capital locally
    • Implement policies to attract international venture capital and private equity firms to invest in Sri Lankan technology companies
    • Develop alternative financing mechanisms such as crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending platforms to support early-stage startups
  • Government as an Innovation Catalyst
    • Implement a “Digital First” policy for all government services to drive digital transformation and create opportunities for local technology companies
    • Establish an AI and data analytics unit within the government to improve policy-making and public service delivery
    • Use government procurement as a tool to support innovative local technology companies and solutions
    • Develop open data initiatives to make government data accessible to researchers and innovators
  • Sector-Specific Technology Initiatives
    • Fintech: Position Sri Lanka as a fintech hub by implementing supportive regulations and attracting international financial institutions
    • Health-tech: Invest in digital health infrastructure and support the development of telemedicine, AI-driven diagnostics, and personalized medicine solutions
    • Edu-tech: Promote the development of online learning platforms and adaptive learning technologies to make quality education accessible to all
    • Clean-tech: Support the development of renewable energy technologies, smart grid solutions, and sustainable transportation systems
    • Agri-tech: Invest in precision agriculture technologies, vertical farming, and biotechnology to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability

Our focus on technology and knowledge-intensive sectors will create high-value jobs, attract international investment, and generate significant economic growth. We envision Sri Lanka becoming a hub for cutting-edge research, innovative startups, and billion-dollar technology companies that can solve global challenges and create value in the digital age. Through strategic investments in education, research, and digital infrastructure, coupled with a supportive regulatory environment, we will unlock the full potential of our talented workforce and position Sri Lanka as a leader in the global knowledge economy.

Strong, prudent, and efficient fiscal and monetary policy framework is essential for achieving sustainable economic growth, macroeconomic stability, and improved living standards for all citizens. We recognize the importance of maintaining fiscal discipline, ensuring monetary stability, and implementing an efficient and equitable tax system to mobilize domestic resources and finance critical public investments and services. Our policy framework aims to strengthen fiscal management, enhance monetary policy effectiveness, and reform the tax system to promote greater transparency, accountability, and economic competitiveness.

  • Fiscal Responsibility, Budget Management and Sustainability
    • Enact a Fiscal Responsibility Law that sets clear and binding rules for fiscal deficit and public debt management, in line with international best practices and Sri Lanka’s economic context
    • Implement a balanced budget amendment to the constitution, requiring the government to maintain a balanced budget over the economic cycle, except in cases of national emergency or severe economic downturn
    • Establish an independent Fiscal Council to provide objective analysis, advice, and oversight on fiscal policy matters, and to promote greater transparency and accountability in fiscal management
    • Implement performance-based budgeting and reporting to link government spending to measurable outcomes and results, and to hold agencies accountable for their performance
  • Expenditure Rationalization and Efficiency
    • Introduce a comprehensive expenditure review process to identify and eliminate wasteful or low-priority spending, and to ensure that all government programs are delivering value for money
    • Promote public-private partnerships and outsourcing of non-core government functions to the private sector, where appropriate, to improve efficiency and reduce costs
    • Strengthen public procurement systems and practices to ensure greater competition, transparency, and value for money in public purchases of goods, works, and services
  • Revenue Mobilization and Tax Policy Reform
    • Implement a comprehensive tax policy reform that broadens the tax base, simplifies the tax structure, and improves the efficiency and equity of the tax system
    • Gradually reduce the reliance on indirect taxes (such as VAT) and increase the share of direct taxes (such as income and property taxes) in total revenue, to promote greater progressivity and fairness in the tax system
    • Introduce a single-rate value-added tax (VAT) with minimal exemptions, to broaden the tax base, reduce distortions, and improve revenue collection
    • Eliminate or phase out inefficient or distortionary taxes, such as the Nation Building Tax (NBT) and the Economic Service Charge (ESC), to reduce the tax burden on businesses and consumers
    • Rationalize tax incentives and exemptions to minimize revenue leakages and distortions, and to create a more level playing field for businesses and investors
    • Strengthen tax administration and compliance through digitalization, risk-based auditing, and taxpayer education and services, to improve revenue collection and reduce tax evasion
  • Monetary Policy Independence and Effectiveness
    • Ensure the operational independence and credibility of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka in conducting monetary policy, while maintaining appropriate accountability and transparency mechanisms
    • Adopt an inflation targeting framework that sets a clear and publicly announced medium-term inflation target, and uses appropriate policy tools and communication strategies to achieve and maintain price stability
    • Enhance the effectiveness of monetary policy transmission through financial sector development, market-based instruments, and improved coordination with fiscal policy
  • Debt Management and Sustainability
    • Actively engage with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to successfully complete the current IMF program, which aims to restore macroeconomic stability, strengthen public finances, and support inclusive growth
    • Pursue a comprehensive debt restructuring strategy that involves good faith negotiations with all creditors, including bilateral, multilateral, and private creditors, to achieve a sustainable and equitable debt burden
    • Develop and implement a comprehensive debt management strategy that optimizes the cost-risk trade-offs of public borrowing, and ensures that debt levels and servicing costs remain sustainable over the medium to long term
    • Diversify the sources and instruments of public financing, including through the development of a vibrant domestic debt market and the judicious use of concessional and non-concessional external borrowing
    • Strengthen debt transparency and reporting, including through regular publication of debt sustainability analyses and debt management reports, to build market confidence and credibility
  • Financial Sector Stability and Development
    • Strengthen financial sector regulation and supervision to ensure the stability, integrity, and resilience of the banking and non-banking financial institutions, and to protect consumers and investors
    • Promote financial sector development and inclusion through targeted policies and initiatives, such as digital finance, SME financing, and financial literacy and education programs
    • Encourage greater competition and innovation in the financial sector, while maintaining appropriate safeguards and standards, to improve the efficiency and quality of financial services
  • Fiscal Devolution and Local Government Financing
    • Implement a gradual and phased approach to fiscal devolution that balances the benefits of local autonomy and accountability with the need for national coordination and equity
    • Strengthen the revenue mobilization capacity and fiscal management systems of local governments, through a combination of intergovernmental fiscal transfers, own-source revenue generation, and capacity building support
    • Promote greater transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in local government budgeting and expenditure management, to ensure that local resources are used effectively and responsively to meet local needs and priorities

Our commitment to fiscal discipline, monetary independence, tax efficiency, and financial sector development will not only enhance the credibility and effectiveness of economic policy but also create a more conducive environment for private sector investment, job creation, and poverty reduction. We believe that by pursuing these reforms in a gradual, consultative, and evidence-based manner, we can build a stronger, more resilient, and more prosperous economy that benefits all segments of society.

Our campaign recognizes that financial inclusion is a critical driver of economic growth, poverty reduction, and social equity. We believe that every citizen, regardless of their income level, geography, or social background, should have access to affordable, reliable, and secure financial services. Our policy framework aims to break down barriers to financial inclusion, promote digital financial solutions, enhance financial literacy, and create an enabling environment for all Sri Lankans to participate in the formal financial system and build a more prosperous future.

  • Access to Basic Financial Services
    • Expand the network of bank branches and ATMs in underserved areas, particularly in rural and remote regions
    • Encourage the development of agent banking and mobile banking services to reach the unbanked and underbanked populations
    • Promote the use of digital financial services, such as mobile money and e-wallets, to provide low-cost, convenient, and secure access to financial services
    • Implement a national financial identity system to facilitate access to financial services and reduce the risk of fraud and money laundering
  • Affordable and Appropriate Financial Products
    • Encourage financial institutions to develop and offer low-cost, no-frills bank accounts and other basic financial products tailored to the needs of low-income and marginalized groups
    • Promote the development of microfinance products, such as small loans, savings accounts, and micro-insurance, to support entrepreneurship and income-generating activities
    • Regulate interest rates and fees charged by financial institutions to ensure that financial products remain affordable and accessible to all
    • Encourage the use of alternative credit scoring models, such as psychometric testing and social media data, to assess the creditworthiness of individuals with limited credit history
  • Financial Literacy and Education
    • Launch a national financial literacy campaign to raise awareness about the benefits and risks of financial products and services
    • Integrate financial education into school curricula, starting from primary school, to build financial literacy and money management skills from a young age
    • Provide targeted financial education programs for women, youth, and other vulnerable groups to empower them to make informed financial decisions
    • Encourage financial institutions to offer free financial advice and counseling services to help individuals manage their finances effectively
  • Digital Financial Infrastructure
    • Invest in the development of a robust and secure digital financial infrastructure, including payment systems, credit information bureaus, and digital identity verification systems
    • Promote interoperability among different digital financial services providers to enable seamless and low-cost transactions across platforms
    • Encourage the adoption of open banking standards to foster innovation and competition in the financial sector
    • Strengthen cybersecurity measures to protect individuals’ financial data and prevent fraud and unauthorized access
  • Regulatory and Policy Environment
    • Develop a comprehensive national financial inclusion strategy, setting clear targets and priorities for expanding access to financial services
    • Modernize financial sector regulations to keep pace with technological innovations and new business models, while ensuring adequate consumer protection and financial stability
    • Establish a dedicated financial inclusion unit within the central bank to coordinate and monitor the implementation of financial inclusion policies and initiatives
    • Encourage collaboration between financial institutions, fintech companies, and other stakeholders to develop innovative and sustainable solutions for financial inclusion
  • Financial Inclusion for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
    • Expand access to credit and other financial services for MSMEs, which are key drivers of economic growth and job creation
    • Simplify and streamline the registration and licensing procedures for MSMEs to facilitate their entry into the formal financial system
    • Provide technical assistance and capacity-building support to MSMEs to help them improve their financial management and business planning skills
    • Encourage the development of alternative financing mechanisms, such as peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding platforms, to provide additional funding options for MSMEs
  • Financial Inclusion for Women and Marginalized Groups
    • Implement targeted initiatives to promote financial inclusion for women, including financial literacy programs, entrepreneurship training, and access to credit and other financial services
    • Develop financial products and services that cater to the specific needs and preferences of women, such as savings accounts with low minimum balances and flexible withdrawal options
    • Provide financial education and support services for marginalized groups, such as persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and low-income households
    • Encourage the recruitment and training of female financial services providers to create a more inclusive and gender-sensitive financial sector

By implementing this comprehensive policy framework, we aim to create a more inclusive, accessible, and equitable financial system in our society. Our commitment to financial inclusion will help to reduce poverty, promote economic growth, and build a more resilient and prosperous society for all citizens.

We recognize the critical role of a robust financial sector in driving economic growth, attracting investment, and promoting financial inclusion. We are committed to implementing comprehensive reforms in the banking and capital markets to enhance stability, efficiency, and competitiveness while fostering innovation and inclusivity. Our policy framework aims to modernize Sri Lanka’s financial landscape, aligning it with global best practices while addressing local needs and challenges.

  • Banking Sector Reforms
    • Strengthen the regulatory and supervisory framework of the banking sector to enhance stability and resilience
    • Implement Basel III standards to improve capital adequacy and liquidity management
    • Encourage consolidation in the banking sector to create stronger, more competitive institutions
    • Promote digitalization and technological innovation in banking services
    • Strengthen risk management practices and corporate governance in banks
  • Financial Inclusion and Access to Credit
    • Develop a national financial inclusion strategy to increase access to banking services for underserved populations
    • Promote mobile banking and digital payment solutions to reach rural and remote areas
    • Implement credit guarantee schemes for SMEs and start-ups to facilitate access to finance
    • Encourage the development of microfinance institutions and cooperative banks
    • Introduce financial literacy programs to educate the public on banking services and responsible borrowing
  • Expanding the Investment Banking Sector
    • Develop a robust regulatory framework for investment banking activities, ensuring alignment with international standards
    • Encourage local commercial banks to establish or expand their investment banking divisions
    • Attract global investment banks to set up operations in Sri Lanka through targeted incentives and streamlined licensing processes
    • Promote the development of specialized skills in areas such as mergers and acquisitions, underwriting, and structured finance through tailored educational programs and professional certifications
    • Encourage investment banks to play a larger role in corporate finance, including facilitating initial public offerings (IPOs) and debt issuances
    • Foster collaboration between investment banks and other financial institutions to create innovative financial products and services
    • Implement tax incentives for investment banking activities that contribute to economic growth and market development
    • Establish a national investment bank to support strategic sectors and large-scale infrastructure projects
  • Developing Venture Capital and Private Equity Industries
    • Create a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework for venture capital (VC) and private equity (PE) firms, including clear guidelines on fund structures, investor protection, and exit mechanisms
    • Introduce tax incentives for VC and PE investments, particularly in high-priority sectors such as technology, renewable energy, and advanced manufacturing
    • Develop specialized stock market segments or platforms for VC and PE-backed companies to facilitate exits and improve liquidity
    • Promote the establishment of angel investor networks and early-stage VC funds to support start-ups and early-stage companies
    • Encourage pension funds and insurance companies to allocate a portion of their portfolios to VC and PE investments, subject to appropriate risk management guidelines
    • Foster partnerships between local and international VC and PE firms to facilitate knowledge transfer and attract global capital
    • Implement capacity-building programs for entrepreneurs and SMEs to make them “investment-ready” for VC and PE funding
    • Create networking platforms and events to connect VC and PE investors with promising companies and entrepreneurs
    • Establish a national innovation agency to coordinate between start-ups, investors, and government support programs
    • Incentivize sector-specific VC and PE funds (e.g., for technology, healthcare, agriculture) to channel investments into strategic areas of the economy
    • Implement reporting and transparency standards for VC and PE firms to build trust and attract a wider range of investors
  • Capital Market Development
    • Modernize the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) infrastructure and trading systems
    • Introduce new financial instruments such as Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
    • Develop the corporate bond market to provide alternative financing options for businesses
    • Implement measures to increase market liquidity and depth
    • Strengthen investor protection mechanisms and market surveillance
  • Regulatory Framework and Governance
    • Enhance the independence and capacity of financial sector regulators, including the Central Bank and Securities and Exchange Commission
    • Implement a risk-based supervisory approach for financial institutions
    • Strengthen corporate governance standards for listed companies and financial institutions
    • Enhance transparency and disclosure requirements in financial reporting
    • Implement robust anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) measures
  • Pension Fund and Insurance Sector Reforms
    • Reform the pension system to ensure long-term sustainability and improved returns for contributors
    • Encourage the development of private pension funds and retirement savings schemes
    • Promote the growth of the insurance sector, particularly life and health insurance
    • Implement risk-based capital requirements for insurance companies
    • Encourage the use of technology in insurance products and services (InsurTech)
  • Fintech and Digital Finance
    • Develop a regulatory sandbox to facilitate innovation in financial technologies
    • Implement an open banking framework to promote competition and innovation
    • Encourage the development of peer-to-peer lending platforms and crowdfunding
    • Develop a comprehensive cybersecurity framework for the financial sector
  • Foreign Investment and International Integration
    • Streamline regulations for foreign investment in the banking and capital markets
    • Enhance Sri Lanka’s integration with global financial markets through strategic partnerships and agreements
    • Implement measures to improve Sri Lanka’s standing in global financial center rankings
    • Promote Sri Lanka as a regional financial hub, leveraging its strategic location
    • Facilitate cross-border financial transactions and remittances
  • SME and Start-up Financing
    • Establish a dedicated SME bank or fund to provide targeted financing solutions
    • Develop alternative credit scoring models for SMEs using non-traditional data
    • Promote venture capital and private equity investments in start-ups and high-growth companies
    • Implement tax incentives for investments in SMEs and start-ups
    • Develop a system to support R&D and commercialization of new technologies
  • Green Finance and Sustainable Banking
    • Develop a national green finance strategy to support sustainable development goals
    • Introduce green bonds and sustainability-linked bonds to finance environmentally friendly projects
    • Implement environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting requirements for listed companies
    • Provide incentives for banks to finance renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure projects
    • Promote sustainable and responsible investing practices in the capital markets
  • Financial Sector Human Capital Development
    • Establish partnerships with international financial institutions for knowledge transfer and training
    • Develop specialized education programs in finance, risk management, and financial technology
    • Implement professional certification programs for financial sector employees
    • Promote research and innovation in finance through university-industry collaborations
    • Encourage gender diversity and inclusion in the financial sector workforce
  • Crisis Management and Resolution Framework
    • Develop a comprehensive crisis management and resolution framework for financial institutions
    • Establish a deposit insurance scheme to protect retail depositors
    • Implement recovery and resolution planning requirements for systemically important financial institutions
    • Enhance cross-border cooperation for crisis management and resolution
    • Conduct regular stress tests and scenario analyses to assess the resilience of the financial system

Our approach focuses on enhancing stability, promoting innovation, improving access to finance, and aligning with global best practices while addressing local needs and challenges. We are committed to building a financial ecosystem that not only attracts investment and fosters entrepreneurship but also ensures financial inclusion and contributes to the overall well-being of all Sri Lankans. Through these reforms, we envision positioning Sri Lanka as a competitive and attractive financial center in the region, contributing to our nation’s prosperity and economic resilience.

We firmly believe in the principles of limited government, individual liberty, and free market economics. We are committed to creating a more efficient, responsive, and accountable government that empowers citizens and businesses to pursue their aspirations and drive economic growth and development. Our policy framework aims to streamline government functions, reduce regulatory burdens, and create a more conducive environment for private sector-led growth and innovation.

  • Streamlining Government Structure and Functions
    • Conduct a comprehensive review of all government ministries, departments, and agencies to identify and eliminate duplicative, redundant, or unnecessary functions and programs
    • Implement a “one-in, two-out” rule for new regulations, requiring that for every new regulation introduced, at least two existing regulations must be eliminated or simplified
    • Introduce sunset clauses for all new laws and regulations, requiring them to be reviewed and renewed after a specified period to ensure their continued relevance and effectiveness
    • Promote e-government and digital service delivery to improve the efficiency, transparency, and accessibility of government services for citizens and businesses
  • Regulatory Reform and Simplification
    • Establish a regulatory reform commission to review all existing laws and regulations, and to recommend repeals, amendments, or simplifications to reduce regulatory burdens and improve the business environment
    • Implement a regulatory impact assessment (RIA) process for all new laws and regulations, requiring a thorough analysis of their costs, benefits, and alternatives, and subjecting them to public consultation and scrutiny
    • Streamline and digitize regulatory processes and procedures, such as business registration, licensing, and permitting, to reduce the time, cost, and complexity of compliance for businesses and citizens
    • Promote the use of performance-based and risk-based regulations, rather than prescriptive and one-size-fits-all approaches, to allow for flexibility and innovation while still achieving regulatory objectives
    • Promote self-regulation and co-regulation in industries where appropriate, such as professional services and media, to reduce the need for government intervention and oversight
  • Encouraging Private Sector Growth and Investment
    • Simplify and reduce corporate and personal income tax rates, while broadening the tax base and minimizing tax exemptions and loopholes
    • Provide tax incentives and other support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), startups, and innovative businesses, particularly in high-growth and strategic sectors
    • Reform labor laws and regulations to promote flexibility, mobility, and competitiveness in the workforce, while still protecting the basic rights and welfare of workers
    • Improve the ease of doing business by streamlining and digitizing government services, reducing red tape, and improving the transparency and predictability of the regulatory environment
  • Privatization and State-Owned Enterprise Reforms
    • Privatize or liquidate SOEs that are consistently loss-making, inefficient, or no longer serve a clear public purpose
    • Establish a transparent and competitive process for the divestment of SOEs, including public tenders or auctions to maximize value for taxpayers and ensure a level playing field for investors
    • Level the playing field between SOEs and private sector competitors by ensuring that SOEs do not receive preferential treatment or subsidies, and are subject to the same laws and regulations as private firms
    • Strengthen the governance and accountability of remaining SOEs, through measures such as performance contracts, independent boards, and regular reporting and disclosure requirements
    • Promote public-private partnerships (PPPs) in key sectors such as infrastructure, energy, and healthcare, to leverage private sector expertise and financing while ensuring adequate safeguards and risk-sharing arrangements
  • Enhancing Transparency and Accountability
    • Enact and enforce strong anti-corruption laws and regulations, with clear penalties for offenders and protection for whistleblowers
    • Strengthen the independent anti-corruption commission with the power to investigate and prosecute cases of corruption and abuse of office in the public and private sectors
    • Implement a robust system of public financial management, with regular audits, reporting, and oversight by parliament and civil society
    • Promote the use of e-governance and digital tools to improve the transparency, accessibility, and responsiveness of government services and decision-making processes
  • Empowering Local Governments
    • Devolve more powers and responsibilities to local governments, in line with the principles of subsidiarity and local self-governance
    • Provide adequate financial resources and capacity-building support to provincial and local governments, to enable them to effectively carry out their functions and deliver services to citizens
    • Encourage inter-governmental cooperation and coordination to address common challenges and share best practices
    • Promote citizen participation and engagement in local governance, through mechanisms such as participatory budgeting, citizen oversight committees, and public hearings
    • Promote the use of community-driven development approaches, where local communities are empowered to identify, prioritize, and implement their own development projects and initiatives
  • Fostering Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
    • Develop a clear and consistent policy framework for PPPs, with guidelines on project selection, procurement, risk allocation, and dispute resolution
    • Identify and prioritize potential PPP projects in key sectors such as infrastructure, education, healthcare, and social services
    • Provide incentives and support for private sector partners to invest in and operate PPP projects, while ensuring that they meet clear performance standards and deliver value for money
    • Encourage the use of innovative PPP models, such as social impact bonds and output-based aid, to leverage private sector expertise and resources for social and environmental objectives
  • Public Sector Reform and Capacity Building
    • Implement a comprehensive public sector reform program to streamline government operations, improve service delivery, and enhance the skills and motivation of public servants
    • Introduce performance-based pay and promotion systems in the public sector, to reward excellence and encourage innovation and continuous improvement
    • Provide regular training and capacity-building opportunities for public servants, to enhance their technical and managerial skills and keep them up-to-date with best practices and emerging trends
    • Promote a culture of integrity, transparency, and accountability in the public sector, through measures such as codes of conduct, asset declarations, and whistleblower protection
  • Promoting Evidence-Based Policy Making
    • Establish a central policy research and analysis unit within the government to provide independent and objective advice on policy issues and options
    • Encourage the use of data, research, and evaluation to inform policy decisions and assess the impact of government programs and initiatives
    • Foster partnerships and collaborations between government, academia, think tanks, and civil society organizations to promote knowledge sharing and evidence-based policy making
    • Invest in building the capacity and skills of government officials and policy makers to use and interpret data and research to make informed and effective decisions

We aim to create a more limited, efficient, and accountable government that empowers citizens, businesses, and communities to take charge of their own lives and destinies. Our commitment to small government and deregulation is rooted in our belief in the power of individual freedom, private enterprise, and voluntary cooperation to drive innovation, growth, and social progress. We believe that by reducing the burden of government and unleashing the creativity and dynamism of the private sector, we can build a more prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable future for all citizens.

We firmly believe that a robust system of checks and balances is essential for ensuring accountable, transparent, and effective governance. We recognize that the separation of powers, the rule of law, and independent oversight institutions are critical safeguards against abuse of power, corruption, and the erosion of democratic principles. Our policy framework aims to strengthen the institutional framework for checks and balances, promote transparency and accountability, and foster a culture of integrity and public trust in government.

  • Separation of Powers
    • Uphold the constitutional separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government
    • Ensure that each branch operates independently and effectively, without undue interference or influence from the others
    • Strengthen the role and capacity of Parliament to exercise effective oversight over the executive branch, through robust committee systems, question times, and investigative powers
    • Respect the independence and impartiality of the judiciary, and provide adequate resources and protections for judges and magistrates to carry out their duties without fear or favor
  • Independent Oversight Institutions
    • Strengthen the independence, powers, and resources of key oversight institutions, such as the Auditor General, the Bribery Commission, Human Rights Commission, Public Utilities Commission and Constitutional Council
    • Establish the Government Accountability Office
    • Ensure that these institutions have the necessary legal authority, financial autonomy, and qualified staff to effectively investigate and report on issues within their mandates
    • Establish clear and transparent appointment processes for the heads and members of oversight institutions, based on merit, integrity, and non-partisanship
    • Protect whistleblowers and witnesses who come forward with information about wrongdoing or abuse of power, through strong legal protections and support services
  • Transparency and Access to Information
    • Enact a comprehensive Right to Information law, in line with international best practices, to enable citizens to access government records and data
    • Proactively disclose information about government decision-making, budgets, procurement, and other key areas, through user-friendly online platforms and regular publications
    • Establish clear and reasonable exemptions to disclosure, based on legitimate national security, privacy, and confidentiality concerns, with a presumption in favor of disclosure
    • Provide training and resources for public officials to effectively implement the Right to Information law, and establish an independent Information Commission to oversee compliance and hear appeals
  • Parliamentary Oversight
    • Strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of parliamentary oversight committees, such as the Public Accounts Committee and the Committee on Public Enterprises
    • Ensure that these committees have the necessary powers, resources, and access to information to conduct thorough investigations and hold the executive accountable
    • Encourage cross-party cooperation and non-partisanship in the work of oversight committees, to prevent abuse of the oversight process for political gain
    • Provide opportunities for public input and participation in the work of oversight committees, through public hearings, submissions, and feedback mechanisms

Our commitment to strengthening institutions, promoting transparency, and fostering a culture of integrity will help to build a more responsive, effective, and trusted government that truly serves the interests of the people.

Our campaign recognizes the vital role of internet and data connectivity in driving socio-economic development, fostering innovation, and empowering citizens in the digital age. We believe that access to affordable, reliable, and high-quality internet services is a fundamental enabler of growth, opportunity, and social inclusion. We aim to expand broadband infrastructure, improve digital literacy, enhance cybersecurity, and create an enabling environment for digital services and applications that benefit all citizens.

Investment in the expansion and upgrading of the national broadband network, with a focus on extending coverage to underserved and rural areas, will be a key priority. Policies and regulations will be implemented to promote competition in the internet service provider (ISP) market, leading to lower prices and improved quality of service. Subsidies or vouchers will be provided to low-income households to enable them to afford internet services and devices, while community internet access points will be established in underserved areas to ensure no one is left behind. A national digital literacy program will be launched to equip citizens with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively use the internet and digital services, with digital literacy and ICT skills integrated into the education curriculum at all levels.

The digitization of government services will be accelerated, with a unified e-government portal developed to serve as a single point of access for all government services, information, and transactions. A national cybersecurity strategy and framework will be established to safeguard critical infrastructure, protect citizens’ data, and combat cybercrime, with robust data protection and privacy laws enacted to ensure the responsible collection, use, and storage of personal data. A vibrant digital startup ecosystem will be fostered by providing capital flow, mentorship, and incubation support to entrepreneurs and innovators, with innovation hubs and technology parks established in major cities to promote collaboration, knowledge sharing, and commercialization of new technologies and services.

Clear targets and key performance indicators will be established to measure the progress and impact of internet and data connectivity initiatives, with regular surveys and assessments conducted to gather feedback from citizens, businesses, and other stakeholders. By implementing this comprehensive policy framework, we aim to unleash the full potential of internet and data connectivity for all Sri Lankans, positioning Sri Lanka as a leader in the global digital economy and creating new opportunities for growth, development, and social progress.

We focus on assembling a cabinet of action-oriented leaders who can cut through bureaucratic red tape, streamline decision-making processes, and drive tangible progress on key national priorities. We believe that a well-functioning cabinet is essential to the success of our government and the well-being of our nation. To achieve this, we will:                                               

  • Appoint highly qualified and experienced individuals to each cabinet position, ensuring that they have the necessary skills, knowledge, and integrity to excel in their roles. We will prioritize diversity and inclusion in our selection process, seeking to build a cabinet that reflects the rich tapestry of our society.
  • Foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork within the cabinet, encouraging open communication, shared decision-making, and mutual support. We will hold regular cabinet meetings to discuss key issues, share insights, and develop integrated strategies that cut across departmental boundaries.
  • Implement a performance management system that sets clear goals and targets for each cabinet member, monitors progress, and provides regular feedback and support. We will hold cabinet members accountable for their performance and take corrective action when necessary to ensure that our government remains on track.
  • Streamline bureaucratic processes and eliminate unnecessary red tape, empowering cabinet members to make decisions quickly and efficiently. We will invest in modern technology and data management systems to support evidence-based and data-driven decision-making and improve the delivery of public services.
  • Foster innovation and continuous improvement within the cabinet, encouraging members to think creatively, experiment with new approaches, and learn from both successes and failures. We will create a culture that rewards risk-taking and learning, while maintaining high standards of integrity and accountability.
  • Ensure transparency and open communication with the public, regularly informing citizens about the work of the cabinet and seeking their input and feedback. We will hold regular press conferences and town hall meetings to engage with the public and build trust in our government.

By implementing these measures, we will create a cabinet that is efficient, effective, and responsive to the needs of our citizens. We are committed to building a government that works for all, and we believe that a high-performing cabinet is essential to achieving this goal.

Education is the cornerstone of building a technology and knowledge-based economy. We are committed to transforming Sri Lanka’s education system to foster critical thinking, innovation, and entrepreneurship, with a strong emphasis on STEAM education. Our policy framework aims to create a student-centric, future-ready education system that equips our youth with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the 21st century global economy.

  • Curriculum Reform
    • Redesign the national curriculum to emphasize STEM subjects, critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity
    • Integrate coding, digital literacy, and data science into the core curriculum from primary school onwards
    • Introduce interdisciplinary learning approaches that combine STEM with arts and humanities (STEAM)
    • Incorporate entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and innovation skills into the curriculum
    • Regularly review and update the curriculum to align with emerging technologies and industry needs
  • Student-Centric Learning
    • Shift from rote learning to inquiry-based, project-based, and experiential learning methodologies
    • Implement personalized learning plans using adaptive learning technologies and AI-driven educational tools
    • Encourage collaborative learning through group projects and peer-to-peer teaching
    • Introduce flexible learning pathways that allow students to pursue their interests and strengths
    • Develop a comprehensive student assessment system that evaluates critical thinking, creativity, and practical skills alongside academic knowledge
  • Teacher Training and Development
    • Redesign teacher education programs to focus on modern pedagogical methods, technology integration, and STEM education
    • Implement ongoing professional development programs for teachers to keep them updated with the latest educational technologies and methodologies
    • Introduce a performance-based career progression system for teachers, with incentives for innovation and excellence in teaching
    • Encourage teacher exchanges with leading international schools and universities to expose Sri Lankan educators to global best practices
  • Technology Integration
    • Ensure all schools have access to internet and modern ICT infrastructure
    • Provide students with personal learning devices (e.g., tablets or laptops) to enable digital learning
    • Implement a national e-learning platform with high-quality digital content and resources
    • Introduce virtual and augmented reality technologies to enhance learning experiences, particularly in STEM subjects
    • Develop a comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS) to track student progress and provide personalized learning recommendations
  • Research and Innovation Culture
    • Establish research centers of excellence in universities, focusing on cutting-edge technologies and interdisciplinary research
    • Introduce research methodology and scientific inquiry courses from secondary school level
    • Encourage student participation in national and international science fairs, hackathons, and innovation competitions
    • Implement a national undergraduate research program, providing funding and mentorship for student-led research projects
    • Foster university-industry partnerships to promote applied research and commercialization of innovations
  • Entrepreneurship Education
    • Integrate entrepreneurship education into the curriculum from secondary school onwards
    • Establish incubation centers and makerspaces in schools and universities to support student startups and innovations
    • Organize regular entrepreneurship challenges and business plan competitions for students
    • Develop mentorship programs connecting students with successful entrepreneurs and industry leaders
    • Introduce internship programs with startups and technology companies to provide real-world entrepreneurial experience
  • Language and Global Competitiveness
    • Strengthen English language education to ensure all students are fluent in English by the end of secondary education
    • Encourage multilingualism by offering additional foreign language options (e.g., Mandarin, Spanish, German)
    • Promote international student exchange programs and partnerships with foreign universities
    • Implement programs to improve intercultural competence and global awareness among students
  • Early Childhood Education
    • Develop a comprehensive early childhood education program focusing on cognitive development, creativity, and early STEM exposure
    • Provide training and resources for parents to support early learning at home
    • Establish a network of high-quality, affordable preschools across the country
    • Integrate play-based learning and technology in early childhood education
  • Vocational and Technical Education
    • Modernize vocational and technical education programs to align with the needs of a technology-driven economy
    • Establish partnerships with industry leaders to develop and deliver cutting-edge technical training programs
    • Create pathways for vocational students to pursue higher education in related fields
    • Promote the dignity of technical and vocational education through awareness campaigns and career guidance
  • Inclusive and Equitable Education
    • Ensure equal access to quality education for all students, regardless of socioeconomic background, gender, or location
    • Implement targeted programs to support students with special needs and learning disabilities
    • Provide scholarships and financial aid for high-performing students from disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue STEM education
    • Develop distance learning programs and mobile educational units to reach remote and underserved areas
  • Higher Education Reform
    • Encourage universities to develop specialized programs in emerging technologies such as AI, biotechnology, and renewable energy
    • Implement a credit transfer system to allow greater flexibility and interdisciplinary learning
    • Encourage universities to offer online and blended learning options to increase access and flexibility
    • Establish a national research fund to support cutting-edge research in universities and research institutions
  • Lifelong Learning and Continuing Education
    • Develop a national platform for online courses and certifications in emerging technologies and skills
    • Encourage companies to provide continuous learning opportunities for their employees
    • Establish community learning centers offering courses in digital skills, entrepreneurship, and emerging technologies
    • Implement a system of micro-credentials and digital badges to recognize skills acquired through non-traditional learning paths

Our focus on STEAM education, student-centric learning, research and innovation, and entrepreneurship will equip our youth with the skills and mindset needed to become global leaders in innovation and technology. We are committed to nurturing a generation of creative problem-solvers, critical thinkers, and entrepreneurs who will drive Sri Lanka’s economic growth and competitiveness in the 21st century global economy.

Our campaign recognizes the critical importance of agriculture in Sri Lanka’s economy, rural development, and food security. We are committed to transforming the agricultural sector into a modern, sustainable, and productive industry that ensures food security, enhances rural livelihoods, and contributes to national economic growth. Our policy framework aims to empower farmers, promote sustainable practices, leverage new technologies, and enhance the resilience and competitiveness of Sri Lanka’s agricultural sector.

  • Agricultural Modernization and Technology Adoption
    • Promote the adoption of precision agriculture technologies, including GPS-guided machinery, drones for crop monitoring, and IoT-based smart farming systems
    • Establish a network of agricultural innovation centers to demonstrate and disseminate new technologies and best practices to farmers
    • Support the development and adoption of climate-resilient crop varieties and farming techniques
    • Encourage the use of digital platforms for market information, weather forecasting, and extension services
  • Water Management and Irrigation
    • Modernize and expand the irrigation infrastructure, with a focus on water-efficient technologies such as drip and sprinkler irrigation
    • Implement a national water conservation strategy, including rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge, and watershed management
    • Promote the adoption of water-saving crops and farming practices in water-stressed areas
    • Establish a comprehensive water resource management system using remote sensing and GIS technologies
  • Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Protection
    • Promote organic farming and integrated pest management to reduce chemical inputs and enhance soil health
    • Implement a national agroforestry program to combine crop and tree cultivation, enhancing biodiversity and carbon sequestration
    • Develop and enforce regulations to prevent agricultural runoff and protect water bodies from pollution
    • Encourage crop diversification and rotation to improve soil fertility and reduce pest and disease pressure
  • Market Access and Value Chain Development
    • Establish a network of modern agricultural markets and storage facilities to reduce post-harvest losses and improve market efficiency
    • Develop a national e-commerce platform for agricultural products to connect farmers directly with consumers and reduce intermediaries
    • Promote contract farming arrangements between farmers and agribusinesses to ensure stable prices and market access
    • Support the development of agro-processing industries to add value to primary agricultural products
  • Paddy Farming and Rice Self-Sufficiency
    • Implement a comprehensive paddy sector development program, focusing on increasing productivity, reducing production costs, and improving quality
    • Promote the adoption of high-yielding, climate-resilient rice varieties and improved cultivation practices
    • Modernize rice milling and processing facilities to enhance quality and reduce post-harvest losses
    • Develop a strategic rice reserve system to ensure food security and stabilize prices
  • Dairy and Livestock Development
    • Implement a national dairy development program to increase milk production and achieve self-sufficiency
    • Promote the adoption of improved breeds, animal nutrition, and health management practices
    • Establish a network of milk collection centers and cold chain facilities to improve quality and reduce spoilage
    • Support the development of value-added dairy products and promote exports
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture
    • Develop a sustainable fisheries management plan to prevent overfishing and protect marine ecosystems
    • Promote the adoption of modern fishing technologies and safety equipment for fishermen
    • Establish a network of fish landing centers and cold storage facilities to reduce post-harvest losses and improve quality
    • Support the development of inland aquaculture and mariculture to diversify fish production and create alternative livelihoods
  • Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction
    • Develop and implement a comprehensive climate change adaptation strategy for the agricultural sector
    • Establish an early warning system for extreme weather events and provide timely information to farmers
    • Promote the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices and technologies
    • Implement a crop and livestock insurance scheme to protect farmers against climate-related losses
  • Research and Innovation
    • Increase investment in agricultural research and development, focusing on priority areas such as climate resilience, pest management, and crop improvement
    • Establish partnerships between research institutions, universities, and the private sector to promote innovation and technology transfer
    • Develop a national agricultural biotechnology strategy to harness the potential of genetic improvement while ensuring biosafety
    • Support the development of indigenous knowledge and traditional farming practices that contribute to sustainability and resilience
  • Leveraging Sri Lanka’s Island Geography
    • Develop a coastal agriculture program that takes advantage of the unique microclimates and soil conditions in coastal areas
    • Promote the cultivation of high-value tropical fruits and spices for export markets
    • Establish marine protected areas to preserve fish breeding grounds and ensure sustainable fisheries
    • Develop a blue economy strategy that integrates fisheries, aquaculture, and coastal tourism for sustainable economic development
  • Enhancing Farmer and Agricultural Laborer Welfare
    • Income Support and Financial Security
    • Implement a Minimum Support Price (MSP) mechanism for key crops to ensure fair returns for farmers
    • Establish a Farmer Income Guarantee Scheme to provide a basic income floor during crop failures or market downturns
    • Introduce a comprehensive social security system for farmers and agricultural laborers, including health insurance, pension plans, and disability coverage
  • Skills Development and Alternative Livelihoods
    • Create vocational training programs in agri-business, food processing, and related sectors to diversify income sources
    • Promote agri-tourism and farm-stay initiatives to generate additional income for rural households
    • Support the development of rural cottage industries and handicrafts as supplementary income sources
  • Health and Education
    • Establish mobile health clinics and telemedicine services to improve healthcare access in rural areas
    • Provide scholarships and educational support for farmers’ children to pursue higher education and professional training
    • Implement awareness programs on occupational health and safety in agriculture, including proper use of pesticides and farm equipment
  • Rural Infrastructure and Quality of Life
    • Invest in rural electrification and ensure stable power supply for agricultural operations and household use
    • Improve rural road connectivity to enhance access to markets, healthcare, and educational facilities
    • Develop community centers in rural areas offering internet access, library services, and spaces for social gatherings
  • Women in Agriculture
    • Promote women’s participation in agriculture through targeted training programs and access to resources
    • Support women’s self-help groups and cooperatives in agricultural activities and agri-business
    • Ensure equal land rights and access to credit for women farmers
  • Labor Rights and Working Conditions
    • Strengthen and enforce labor laws to ensure fair wages, reasonable working hours, and safe working conditions for agricultural laborers
    • Establish a grievance redressal mechanism for agricultural workers to address labor disputes and rights violations
    • Promote the use of labor-saving technologies to reduce drudgery and improve working conditions
  • Access to Information and Decision-Making
    • Develop a farmer-centric mobile app providing real-time information on weather, market prices, government schemes, and best practices
    • Ensure farmer representation in local and national agricultural policy-making bodies
    • Establish farmer helplines and support centers to provide guidance on agricultural practices, government schemes, and legal issues
  • Debt Relief and Financial Inclusion
    • Implement a targeted debt relief program for small and marginal farmers facing severe financial distress
    • Promote financial literacy programs to help farmers and agricultural laborers better manage their finances
    • Encourage banks and microfinance institutions to develop tailored financial products for the agricultural sector
  • Community-Based Support Systems
    • Support the formation of farmer producer organizations (FPOs) to enhance collective bargaining power and access to markets
    • Promote community seed banks and equipment sharing programs to reduce input costs
    • Establish mentorship programs pairing experienced farmers with newcomers to facilitate knowledge transfer

By implementing this comprehensive policy framework, we aim to transform Sri Lanka’s agricultural sector into a modern, sustainable, and productive industry that ensures food security, enhances rural livelihoods, and contributes to national economic growth. Our approach recognizes the unique challenges and opportunities presented by Sri Lanka’s island geography and aims to leverage its natural resources and strategic location in the Indian Ocean. We are committed to empowering farmers, promoting sustainable practices, and harnessing new technologies to build a resilient and competitive agricultural sector that can meet the needs of present and future generations.

We recognize that affordable and reliable energy is crucial for economic growth, social development, and improving the quality of life for all Sri Lankans. We are committed to achieving energy independence through a balanced approach that emphasizes renewable energy, efficiency, and price stability. Our policy framework aims to create a sustainable, resilient, and cost-effective energy sector that meets the needs of our citizens and businesses while contributing to our environmental goals.

  • Renewable Energy Expansion
    • Set an ambitious target to achieve 60% of electricity generation from renewable sources by 2030
    • Implement a large-scale solar power program, including utility-scale solar farms and rooftop solar installations
    • Develop offshore and onshore wind power projects in suitable locations across the country
    • Explore and develop geothermal and ocean energy resources
    • Modernize and expand hydroelectric power capacity while ensuring environmental sustainability
  • Grid Modernization and Energy Storage
    • Invest in smart grid technologies to improve efficiency, reliability, and integration of renewable energy sources
    • Implement a national energy storage program, including battery storage systems and pumped hydro storage
    • Develop a distributed energy resource management system to optimize the integration of small-scale renewable energy producers
    • Upgrade transmission and distribution infrastructure to reduce losses and improve reliability
  • Energy Efficiency and Conservation
    • Implement stringent energy efficiency standards for buildings, appliances, and industrial processes
    • Provide incentives for energy-efficient retrofits in residential and commercial buildings
    • Launch a national awareness campaign on energy conservation and efficient use
    • Introduce smart metering and time-of-use pricing to encourage efficient energy consumption
  • Price Stability Mechanism
    • Establish an independent Energy Pricing Regulatory Authority to oversee and regulate energy prices
    • Implement a transparent and predictable pricing formula for electricity and fuel that reflects actual costs while protecting consumers from sudden price shocks
    • Create an Energy Price Stabilization Fund to smooth out short-term price fluctuations
    • Introduce a tiered pricing system for electricity, ensuring affordable rates for basic consumption while encouraging conservation at higher usage levels
  • Fuel Price Fluctuation Management
    • Implement a fuel price hedging strategy to mitigate the impact of global oil price volatility
    • Diversify fuel sources and suppliers to reduce dependence on any single source or region
    • Maintain strategic fuel reserves to ensure supply security and buffer against short-term price spikes
    • Gradually phase out fuel subsidies while providing targeted support for vulnerable groups
  • Clean Transportation
    • Develop a comprehensive electric vehicle (EV) adoption strategy, including incentives for EV purchases and charging infrastructure development
    • Implement a green public transportation program, transitioning buses and trains to electric or hybrid systems
    • Introduce congestion pricing and low-emission zones in urban areas to reduce fuel consumption and emissions
    • Promote the use of biofuels and sustainable aviation fuels in the transportation sector
  • Research and Innovation in Energy Technologies
    • Establish a National Energy Innovation Fund to support research and development in clean energy technologies
    • Create partnerships between universities, research institutions, and private sector companies to drive energy innovation
    • Provide incentives for companies investing in clean energy R&D and commercialization of new technologies
    • Develop a skilled workforce for the renewable energy sector through specialized training programs and university courses
  • Energy Security and Resilience
    • Diversify energy sources and supply routes to enhance energy security
    • Develop microgrids and community energy systems to improve resilience against natural disasters and other disruptions
    • Implement a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy for the energy sector to protect against cyber threats
    • Strengthen regional energy cooperation and interconnections with neighboring countries
  • Sustainable Biomass and Waste-to-Energy
    • Promote sustainable biomass energy production from agricultural and forestry residues
    • Implement waste-to-energy projects in major urban areas to address waste management issues while generating clean energy
    • Develop biogas production from organic waste and wastewater treatment plants
    • Ensure strict environmental standards for biomass and waste-to-energy projects to prevent air and water pollution
  • Just Energy Transition
    • Develop a comprehensive plan to support workers and communities affected by the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy
    • Provide retraining and reskilling programs for workers in the traditional energy sector
    • Ensure that the benefits of clean energy development are equitably distributed across all regions and communities
    • Engage local communities in the planning and implementation of renewable energy projects
  • Energy Data Management and Transparency
    • Establish a national energy data center to collect, analyze, and disseminate accurate and timely information on energy production, consumption, and prices
    • Implement an open data policy for the energy sector to promote transparency and enable informed decision-making
    • Develop energy forecasting models to improve planning and policy-making
    • Regularly publish energy sector performance reports and progress towards national energy goals
  • International Cooperation and Technology Transfer
    • Actively participate in international energy forums and initiatives to share best practices and learn from global experiences
    • Seek partnerships with leading countries in clean energy technologies for knowledge and technology transfer
    • Attract foreign investment in the renewable energy sector through favorable policies and incentives
    • Leverage international climate finance mechanisms to support clean energy projects and programs

Our focus on renewable energy expansion, grid modernization, energy efficiency, and price stability will ensure a sustainable and resilient energy future for our nation. We are committed to leveraging our natural resources, fostering innovation, and engaging all stakeholders in this crucial transition towards a clean, affordable, and secure energy system that benefits all Sri Lankans and positions our country as a leader in sustainable development.

We recognize that improved mobility is crucial for economic growth, social inclusion, and quality of life. Our policy framework aims to prioritize safety, reliability, comfort, and connectivity while leveraging technology and sustainable practices to build a world-class transportation system for Sri Lanka.

  • Integrated Public Transportation Network
    • Develop a comprehensive, multi-modal public transportation system that seamlessly integrates buses, trains, taxis, and other modes of transport
    • Implement a unified ticketing system and smart travel cards for easy transfers between different modes of transport
    • Create user-friendly mobile apps and digital platforms for route planning, real-time tracking, and ticketing across all public transportation modes
    • Establish transport hubs at key locations to facilitate easy interchanges between different modes of transport
  • Expansion and Modernization of Rail Network
    • Develop new rail tracks connecting all major districts of Sri Lanka, prioritizing high-demand routes and underserved areas
    • Upgrade existing railway lines to increase speed, safety, and capacity
    • Introduce high-speed rail corridors between major cities to reduce travel times and promote regional development
    • Implement modern signaling and train control systems to enhance safety and increase line capacity
  • Light Rail Transit (LRT) for Colombo
    • Develop a comprehensive LRT network in Colombo to alleviate traffic congestion and provide efficient urban mobility
    • Ensure integration of LRT with existing bus and rail services for seamless connectivity
    • Implement transit-oriented development around LRT stations to promote sustainable urban growth
    • Use state-of-the-art technology for ticketing, passenger information, and system management
    • Ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities and elderly passengers
  • Enhanced Bus Services
    • Modernize the bus fleet with low-emission or electric vehicles to improve comfort and reduce environmental impact
    • Implement dedicated bus lanes and bus rapid transit (BRT) systems in major cities to improve speed and reliability
    • Introduce smart bus stops with real-time information displays and Wi-Fi connectivity
    • Develop a hub-and-spoke model to connect smaller towns and villages to major transportation corridors
  • Last-Mile Connectivity
    • Introduce a network of shared bicycles and e-taxis  in urban areas for short -distance travel
    • Develop safe and convenient pedestrian walkways and cycling lanes to encourage non-motorized transport
    • Implement a regulated ride-hailing service for taxis and three-wheelers with standardized fares and safety measures
    • Encourage the development of community-based shuttle services in rural areas to connect villages to main transportation hubs
  • Smart Traffic Management
    • Implement an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) with adaptive traffic signals, real-time monitoring, and data analytics to optimize traffic flow
    • Develop a centralized traffic management centers for main cities to coordinate traffic operations and respond to incidents
    • Use AI and machine learning algorithms for predictive maintenance of transportation infrastructure and vehicles
    • Implement smart parking systems in urban areas to reduce congestion caused by parking search traffic
  • Safety and Security
    • Implement a comprehensive road safety program, including improved road design, strict enforcement of traffic rules, and public awareness campaigns
    • Install CCTV cameras and emergency call points across the public transportation network
    • Introduce rigorous safety standards and regular inspections for all public transport vehicles
    • Provide specialized training for drivers and transportation staff on safety protocols and emergency response
  • Sustainable and Green Mobility
    • Set targets for the gradual transition to electric and low-emission vehicles in public transportation fleets
    • Develop a network of charging stations for electric vehicles across the country
    • Implement green infrastructure such as bio-swales and permeable pavements in transportation projects to manage stormwater and reduce urban heat island effects
    • Promote the use of sustainable materials and practices in transportation infrastructure construction and maintenance
  • Accessibility and Inclusivity
    • Ensure all new transportation infrastructure and vehicles are fully accessible to persons with disabilities, elderly, and those with limited mobility
    • Implement audio and visual announcement systems across the public transport network
    • Provide sensitivity training to transportation staff to better assist passengers with special needs
    • Introduce concessionary fares for students, elderly, and low-income groups to ensure affordable mobility for all
  • Rural Connectivity
    • Develop a comprehensive rural transportation plan to connect villages and small towns to major transportation corridors
    • Implement a “Rural Transport Guarantee” ensuring a minimum level of public transport service to all villages
    • Support community-based transport initiatives in rural areas, such as shared taxi services or demand-responsive transport
    • Improve rural road infrastructure to ensure all-weather connectivity
  • Technology Integration and Innovation
    • Develop a Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) platform integrating all modes of transport for seamless journey planning and payment
    • Implement contactless payment systems across all public transport modes
    • Encourage innovation in transportation through hackathons, startup incubators, and partnerships with universities
  • Funding and Governance
    • Implement value capture mechanisms such as land value taxation to finance transportation infrastructure
    • Create a unified Metropolitan Transport Authority for each major urban area to ensure coordinated planning and operation of all transport modes
    • Develop public-private partnerships (PPPs) to leverage private sector expertise and capital in transportation projects

By implementing this comprehensive smart mobility policy framework, we aim to transform Sri Lanka’s transportation landscape, creating a system that is safe, reliable, comfortable, and well-connected. Our focus on integrating various modes of transport, expanding the rail network, introducing modern technologies, and ensuring inclusivity will not only improve the daily lives of our citizens but also drive economic growth and sustainable development. We are committed to building a world-class mobility infrastructure that will position Sri Lanka as a leader in smart and sustainable transportation, enhancing our nation’s competitiveness and quality of life for generations to come.

We are committed to building a robust, inclusive, and sustainable healthcare system that ensures the well-being of all Sri Lankans. Drawing inspiration from best practices in emerging economies, we aim to create a healthcare model that emphasizes preventive care, strengthens public health facilities, promotes healthy lifestyles, and provides affordable access to quality healthcare services. Our policy framework focuses on creating a health-conscious society while addressing the specific needs of vulnerable groups such as senior citizens and individuals with special needs.

  • Strengthening Primary Healthcare and Preventive Care
    • Expand and upgrade the network of primary healthcare centers across the country, ensuring easy access for all communities
    • Implement a comprehensive national immunization program covering a wide range of preventable diseases
    • Introduce regular health screenings and check-ups for all citizens, with a focus on early detection of non-communicable diseases
    • Develop community health worker programs to provide basic healthcare services and health education in rural and underserved areas
    • Implement school health programs to promote health awareness and good habits from an early age
  • Modernizing and Improving Government Health Facilities
    • Invest in upgrading infrastructure, equipment, and technology in public hospitals and clinics
    • Implement a national health information system to improve patient care, resource allocation, and health policy planning
    • Introduce telemedicine services to extend specialized care to remote areas
    • Establish centers of excellence for specialized treatments in major cities
    • Implement a performance-based management system for public health institutions to improve efficiency and quality of care
  • Human Resources for Health
    • Increase the number of medical, nursing, and allied health professional training programs
    • Implement continuous professional development programs for healthcare workers
    • Introduce incentives to attract and retain healthcare professionals in rural and underserved areas
    • Develop specialized training programs for healthcare workers in emerging areas such as geriatric care, mental health, and non-communicable diseases
    • Establish partnerships with international medical institutions for knowledge exchange and capacity building
  • Affordable Health Insurance and Private Sector Engagement
    • Introduce a national health insurance scheme to provide universal health coverage
    • Develop public-private partnerships to expand healthcare service delivery
    • Regulate private healthcare providers to ensure quality standards and reasonable pricing
    • Implement a sliding scale premium system for health insurance based on income levels
    • Encourage employers to provide health insurance coverage for employees and their families
  • Promoting Health and Well-being Culture
    • Launch a national health awareness campaign focusing on healthy lifestyles, nutrition, and mental well-being
    • Develop public spaces such as parks, walking trails, and community sports facilities to encourage physical activity
    • Implement workplace health promotion programs in collaboration with employers
    • Introduce health and wellness education in school curricula
    • Support community-based health initiatives and local health clubs
  • Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits
    • Develop and promote national dietary guidelines based on local food habits and nutritional needs
    • Implement a comprehensive food labeling system to help consumers make informed choices
    • Introduce taxes on unhealthy foods and beverages while subsidizing healthy options
    • Promote urban farming and community gardens to increase access to fresh, locally-grown produce
    • Implement strict regulations on food advertising, especially those targeting children
  • Special Focus on Senior Citizens and People with Special Needs
    • Establish specialized geriatric care units in major hospitals
    • Provide substantial discounts on essential medicines and medical devices for senior citizens and people with special needs
    • Develop age-friendly and disability-friendly infrastructure in healthcare facilities
    • Introduce specialized goverment sponsored health insurance plans for senior citizens and individuals with chronic conditions or disabilities
  • Mental Health and Well-being
    • Integrate mental health services into primary healthcare
    • Implement a national suicide prevention strategy
    • Increase the number of mental health professionals and facilities across the country
    • Launch public awareness campaigns to reduce stigma around mental health issues
    • Introduce mental health support programs in schools and workplaces
  • Maternal and Child Health
    • Strengthen antenatal and postnatal care services
    • Implement a comprehensive nutrition program for pregnant women and young children
    • Expand neonatal care facilities and services
    • Introduce paid maternity and paternity leave policies
    • Implement family planning and reproductive health education programs
  • Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Prevention and Management
    • Strengthen the national strategy for NCD prevention and control
    • Implement screening programs for early detection of NCDs
    • Promote research on NCDs prevalent in Sri Lanka
    • Strengthen rehabilitation services for NCD patients
    • Introduce workplace programs for NCD prevention and management
  • Traditional Medicine Integration
    • Integrate traditional medicine practices (such as Ayurveda) into the mainstream healthcare system
    • Promote research on the efficacy and safety of traditional medicines
    • Regulate traditional medicine practitioners to ensure quality and safety
    • Develop centers of excellence for traditional medicine research and practice
  • Health Technology and Innovation
    • Establish a national health technology assessment program to evaluate new medical technologies and treatments
    • Promote local production of essential medicines and medical equipment
    • Implement e-health and m-health solutions to improve healthcare access and efficiency
    • Support startups and innovations in healthcare technology through incubators and funding programs
  • Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
    • Strengthen the national emergency medical services system
    • Develop a comprehensive disaster response plan for the health sector
    • Establish emergency stockpiles of essential medicines and medical supplies
    • Conduct regular training and drills for healthcare workers on emergency response

Our approach emphasizes preventive care, strengthens public health infrastructure, promotes healthy lifestyles, and ensures affordable access to quality healthcare for all citizens. We are committed to addressing the unique needs of vulnerable groups while leveraging technology and innovation to enhance healthcare delivery. Through these efforts, we envision a future where every Sri Lankan enjoys optimal health and well-being, contributing to the overall progress and prosperity of our nation.

We are  dedicated to nurturing a physically active, emotionally resilient, and socially engaged youth population that will drive Sri Lanka’s future progress. We recognize the transformative power of sports in building character, promoting health, and fostering national unity. Our policies aim to create an inclusive, technology-driven, and world-class sports ecosystem while addressing the holistic development of our youth, with a special focus on rural engagement and emerging sports.


  • Grassroots Sports Development
    • Implement a “Sports for All” initiative to ensure every child has access to sports facilities and training
    • Establish a network of community sports centers in rural areas, focusing on popular sports like volleyball, soccer, power lifting and cricket
    • Introduce a national school sports curriculum that includes a diverse range of sports and physical activities
    • Develop a talent identification program to scout and nurture young athletes from all parts of the country
    • Provide sports equipment and resources to schools and community centers, especially in underserved areas
  • High-Performance Sports
    • Establish national centers of excellence for priority sports, equipped with state-of-the-art training facilities and sports science support
    • Implement a long-term athlete development program, providing structured pathways from grassroots to elite levels
    • Provide scholarships and financial support for promising athletes to pursue their sporting careers
    • Develop partnerships with international sports organizations and clubs for knowledge exchange and training opportunities
    • Host international sporting events to provide exposure for local athletes and boost sports tourism
  • Sports Infrastructure Development
    • Upgrade existing sports facilities and build new ones across the country, ensuring equitable distribution between urban and rural areas
    • Develop multi-purpose sports complexes in each district to cater to various sports
    • Implement green and sustainable practices in sports infrastructure development
    • Utilize public-private partnerships to accelerate sports infrastructure development
    • Create accessible sports facilities for people with disabilities
  • Technology Integration in Sports
    • Implement sports analytics and performance tracking systems for national teams and academies
    • Develop a national sports database to track athlete performance, health, and development
    • Introduce virtual reality and augmented reality technologies for sports training and fan engagement
    • Promote the development of sports-related apps and digital platforms for athlete management, coaching, and public participation
    • Utilize artificial intelligence for talent identification and development


  • Sports Science and Medicine
    • Establish a national sports science institute to support athlete development and research
    • Integrate sports science and medicine into the training programs of all national sports teams
    • Provide regular health screenings and medical support for athletes at all levels
    • Develop specialized sports medicine facilities in major hospitals
    • Implement anti-doping education programs and strengthen testing mechanisms
  • Youth Leadership and Empowerment
    • Strengthen the National Youth Council to give young people a voice in policy-making
    • Implement a youth volunteer program to engage young people in community development projects
    • Provide leadership training and mentorship programs for young people
    • Support youth-led initiatives and start-ups through funding and incubation programs
    • Promote youth participation in local governance and decision-making processes
  • Rural Youth Engagement
    • Develop a rural sports league focusing on popular sports like volleyball, soccer, and traditional games
    • Implement a “Sports Ambassadors” program to bring national athletes to rural areas for inspiration and training
    • Provide specialized training and resources for rural sports coaches and administrators
    • Organize annual rural sports festivals to showcase local talent and promote cultural exchange
    • Develop adventure sports and eco-tourism initiatives in rural areas to create employment opportunities for youth
  • Digital Skills and Technology Education
    • Implement a national digital literacy program for youth, with a focus on rural areas
    • Establish coding bootcamps and technology hubs in every district
    • Provide free online courses in emerging technologies like AI, and data science
    • Organize national technology competitions and hackathons to foster innovation
    • Develop partnerships with tech companies to provide internship and training opportunities for youth
  • Mental Health and Emotional Resilience
    • Integrate mental health education into school curricula and sports training programs
    • Establish a network of youth counseling centers, including online and tele-counseling services
    • Implement stress management and emotional intelligence training programs for young athletes
    • Promote mindfulness and meditation practices in schools and sports academies
    • Develop peer support networks for youth mental health
  • Career Development and Employability
    • Establish a comprehensive career guidance program in schools and universities
    • Develop a national internship program to provide work experience for youth
    • Implement skills development programs aligned with industry needs, including soft skills training
    • Provide support for young entrepreneurs through mentorship, funding, and incubation programs
    • Organize job fairs and career expos, including virtual events, to connect youth with potential employers
  • Inclusive Sports Development
    • Promote para-sports and provide specialized training and facilities for athletes with disabilities
    • Implement gender equality initiatives in sports, ensuring equal opportunities and resources for women and girls
    • Develop programs to engage marginalized youth groups in sports and physical activities
    • Promote traditional and indigenous sports to preserve cultural heritage
    • Ensure representation of diverse communities in national sports teams and leadership positions
  • Sports Governance and Administration
    • Implement transparent and accountable governance structures in national sports bodies
    • Provide professional development programs for sports administrators and coaches
    • Develop a national sports policy that aligns with international best practices
    • Establish an independent body to oversee the allocation of funds and resources in sports
    • Implement a robust anti-corruption framework in sports administration


By implementing this comprehensive policy framework for sports and youth affairs, we aim to create a vibrant, healthy, and empowered youth population that will drive Sri Lanka’s future growth and development. Our focus on grassroots sports development, technology integration, rural engagement, and holistic youth development will not only produce world-class athletes but also foster a generation of resilient, skilled, and socially responsible citizens. We are committed to harnessing the power of sports and youth engagement to build a stronger, more united, and globally competitive Sri Lanka.

The National People’s Party recognizes that a robust national security framework is essential to safeguarding our nation’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the well-being of our citizens. In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and evolving threats, we are committed to embracing modern concepts and innovative strategies to ensure the security and prosperity of Sri Lanka.

Smart Army: We embrace the modernization and enhancement of our armed forces through the implementation of smart army initiatives. This includes investing in advanced weaponry, equipment, and training programs to enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness. Additionally, we will prioritize the development of intelligence-gathering capabilities and cyber warfare expertise to counter emerging threats and protect our nation’s interests.

Cyber Security: Recognizing the growing importance of cyberspace in national security, we will prioritize the establishment of robust cyber security measures to safeguard our critical infrastructure, government systems, and digital assets. This includes enhancing cyber defense capabilities, promoting cyber hygiene practices, and fostering collaboration with international partners to combat cyber threats effectively.

Naval and Maritime Security: Given Sri Lanka’s strategic maritime location, we understand the critical importance of naval and maritime security in protecting our maritime interests and securing our maritime borders. We will invest in modernizing our naval fleet, enhancing maritime surveillance capabilities, and strengthening maritime law enforcement to combat piracy, illegal fishing, and other maritime threats effectively.

Modern National Security Concepts: In addition to traditional security measures, we will embrace modern national security concepts to address emerging threats and challenges effectively. This includes adopting a comprehensive approach to security that encompasses not only military defense but also intelligence, law enforcement, border security, and disaster management. We will also prioritize international cooperation and information sharing to address transnational threats such as terrorism, organized crime, and illicit trafficking.

In conclusion, the National People’s Party is committed to ensuring the security and resilience of Sri Lanka by embracing modern national security concepts and leveraging technological advancements to effectively address evolving threats. By investing in smart army initiatives, cyber security, naval and maritime security, and other modern security frameworks, we will strengthen our nation’s defense capabilities and safeguard our interests in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

At the heart of our policy framework lies a robust foreign policy aimed at safeguarding our nation’s sovereignty, fostering peaceful coexistence, and advancing our interests on the global stage. Grounded in the principles of diplomacy, democracy, human rights, and economic cooperation, our foreign policy framework is tailored to address the multifaceted challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

1. Sovereignty and Independence: We pledge unwavering commitment to safeguarding Sri Lanka’s sovereignty and independence. We reject external interference and uphold the principle of non-alignment, ensuring that our nation’s interests remain paramount in all international engagements.

2. Peaceful Coexistence and Diplomacy: We advocate for peaceful coexistence and diplomacy as cornerstones of our foreign relations. Through constructive dialogue and negotiation, we seek to resolve conflicts and promote stability in the region and beyond.

3. Global Democracy and Human Rights: We stand firm in our support for global democracy and human rights. We will actively engage with international bodies to uphold fundamental freedoms and ensure the protection of human rights for all individuals, both at home and abroad.

4. Economic Cooperation and Development: We recognize the importance of economic cooperation and development in driving sustainable growth and prosperity. We will pursue mutually beneficial partnerships with nations and international organizations to promote trade, investment, and technological exchange, energy independence, fostering economic progress for our citizens.

5. Cultural Exchange and Soft Diplomacy: We embrace cultural exchange and soft diplomacy as means to enhance mutual understanding and goodwill among nations. We will promote Sri Lanka’s rich cultural heritage on the global stage, fostering greater people-to-people connections and forging lasting friendships across borders.

In summary, we are committed to a foreign policy that serves our national interest, upholding the values of sovereignty, peace, democracy, and development. By engaging proactively with the global community, we will strive to build a brighter future for Sri Lanka and its citizens on the world stage.

Our campaign is deeply committed to fostering lasting peace, reconciliation, and national unity in Sri Lanka. We recognize the challenges and wounds of the past, and we believe that it is our collective responsibility to heal, rebuild, and forge a shared future of harmony and prosperity for all Sri Lankans. Our policy framework aims to address the root causes of conflict, promote dialogue and understanding, and create an inclusive and equitable society where every citizen feels valued and respected, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, or background.

  • Truth, Justice, and Accountability
    • Provide support and reparations for victims and their families of the conflict, including psychosocial support, economic assistance, and memorialization efforts
    • Encourage public dialogue and acknowledgment of the suffering endured by all communities during the conflict
  • Inclusive Political Representation
    • Reform the political system to ensure fair and proportional representation of all ethnic and religious communities in decision-making processes
    • Implement a power-sharing arrangement that guarantees the rights and interests of minority communities, while fostering a sense of national unity
    • Promote inclusive and participatory governance, ensuring that all voices are heard and respected in policy-making and resource allocation
    • Encourage cross-community political alliances and initiatives that transcend ethnic and religious divisions
  • Language Rights and Cultural Diversity
    • Ensure the official status and appropriate use of Sinhala and Tamil languages in all spheres of public life, including administration, education, and media
    • Promote multilingualism and provide adequate resources for language training and translation services
    • Celebrate and preserve the rich cultural heritage of all communities, fostering mutual understanding and appreciation
    • Support intercultural dialogue, exchanges, and initiatives that bring communities together and break down stereotypes and prejudices
  • Equitable Development and Resource Allocation
    • Implement equitable and inclusive development policies that address regional disparities and ensure fair distribution of resources and opportunities
    • Invest in war-affected regions and marginalized communities, providing infrastructure, education, healthcare, and livelihood support
    • Promote inclusive economic growth and job creation, with a focus on empowering youth and women from all communities
    • Ensure transparency and accountability in resource allocation and development projects, preventing discrimination and corruption
  • Education for Peace and Reconciliation
    • Integrate peace education, human rights, and conflict resolution into school curricula at all levels
    • Promote inclusive and multicultural learning environments that foster understanding, empathy, and respect for diversity
    • Provide teacher training on peace education and inclusive teaching practices
    • Encourage student exchanges, joint cultural activities, and peace clubs that bring together children from different communities
  • Transitional Justice and Healing
    • Implement a comprehensive transitional justice process that includes truth-seeking, accountability, reparations, and institutional reforms
    • Provide psychosocial support and trauma counseling for individuals and communities affected by the conflict
    • Support grassroots reconciliation initiatives, such as community dialogues, art projects, and shared commemoration event
  • International Engagement and Peacebuilding
    • Seek technical assistance and capacity-building support for transitional justice, institutional reforms, and human rights protection
    • Promote regional cooperation and dialogue on conflict prevention, peacebuilding, and shared challenges
    • Contribute to global peacebuilding efforts and share Sri Lanka’s experiences and lessons learned with other post-conflict societies

By implementing this comprehensive policy framework, we aim to build a peaceful, reconciled, and united Sri Lanka where all citizens can live with dignity, security, and equal rights. We are committed to addressing the grievances of the past, fostering healing and understanding in the present, and creating a shared vision for a harmonious future. Together, as one nation, we can overcome the divisions of the past and build a Sri Lanka that is a beacon of peace, justice, and prosperity for all its people.

Our campaign is firmly committed to the protection and promotion of human rights for all individuals in Sri Lanka. We believe that every person, regardless of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status, is entitled to fundamental rights and freedoms. Our policy framework aims to strengthen the legal and institutional mechanisms for safeguarding human rights, ensuring accountability for violations, and fostering a culture of respect, equality, and dignity for all Sri Lankans.

  • Constitutional and Legal Reforms
    • Enshrine comprehensive human rights protections in the Constitution, in line with international human rights standards and treaties
    • Review and amend existing laws to ensure compliance with human rights principles and eliminate discriminatory provision
    • Ratify and domesticate key international human rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention against Torture (CAT)
    • Strengthen the independence and impartiality of the judiciary to ensure effective enforcement of human rights laws
  • National Human Rights Commission
    • Restructure the National Human Rights Commission, in compliance with the Paris Principles
    • Empower the Commission to investigate human rights violations, provide remedies to victims, and hold perpetrators accountable
    • Ensure the appointment of Commissioners through a transparent and participatory process, involving civil society and marginalized communities
    • Provide the Commission with the necessary authority and resources to carry out its mandate effectively, including the power to subpoena witnesses and access official documents
  • Human Rights Education and Awareness
    • Integrate human rights education into school curricula at all levels, promoting understanding, respect, and tolerance
    • Provide mandatory human rights training for law enforcement officials, military personnel, and public servants
    • Launch public awareness campaigns to sensitize society about human rights, non-discrimination, and equality
    • Encourage media outlets to promote human rights awareness and report on violations responsibly and ethically
  • Protection of Vulnerable Groups
    • Enact and enforce legislation to protect the rights of women, children, persons with disabilities, ethnic and religious minorities, and LGBTQ+ individuals
    • Establish specialized units within law enforcement agencies to handle cases of gender-based violence, child abuse, and hate crimes
    • Provide accessible support services, including legal aid, counseling, and shelters for victims of human rights violations
    • Implement affirmative action policies and programs to address systemic discrimination and ensure equal opportunities for marginalized groups
  • Accountability and Justice for Human Rights Violations
    • Investigate and prosecute all allegations of human rights violations impartial and independent mechanisms
    • Provide effective remedies and reparations to victims of human rights abuses, including compensation, rehabilitation, and guarantees of non-repetition
    • Establish a witness protection program to ensure the safety and security of individuals who come forward to report violations
    • Engage with international human rights bodies and mechanisms, such as the UN Human Rights Council, to address past and ongoing violations and seek technical assistance
  • Freedom of Expression and Media Freedom
    • Guarantee the right to freedom of expression, including freedom of the press, in line with international standards
    • Repeal or amend laws that restrict media freedom, such as the Anti-terrorism Act (ATA) and Online Safety Bill, and ensure that any limitations are necessary, proportionate, and prescribed by law
    • Investigate and prosecute attacks on journalists and media outlets, and provide protection for those under threat
    • Promote a diverse and pluralistic media landscape, with equal access for all communities and viewpoints
  • Engagement with Civil Society and International Partners
    • Foster a conducive environment for civil society organizations and human rights defenders to operate freely and without fear of reprisals
    • Engage in regular dialogue and consultation with civil society actors, including marginalized communities, to inform policy-making and monitor human rights implementation
    • Cooperate with international human rights mechanisms, including the UN Special Rapporteurs and treaty bodies, and implement their recommendations in good faith
    • Seek technical assistance and capacity-building support from international partners to strengthen national human rights institutions and practices
  • Protection of Political Rights and Prevention of Oppression
    • Guarantee the right to freedom of association, assembly, and political participation for all individuals, including opposition parties and activists
    • Investigate and prosecute any incidents of violence, intimidation, or harassment against political opponents, ensuring a level playing field for all political actors
    • Repeal or amend laws that unduly restrict political activities or criminalize dissent, ensuring that any limitations are necessary, proportionate, and prescribed by law
    • Establish an independent electoral commission to ensure free, fair, and transparent elections, free from interference or manipulation

By implementing this comprehensive policy framework, we aim to create a Sri Lanka where the human rights of all individuals are respected, protected, and fulfilled. We are committed to building a society based on the principles of equality, non-discrimination, and human dignity, where every person can live freely and without fear. Together, we can work towards a Sri Lanka that upholds the highest standards of human rights and serves as a model for the region and the world.

Our campaign recognizes the urgent need to address the environmental challenges facing our nation and the world. We believe that a sustainable future is not only possible but essential for the well-being of current and future generations. Our comprehensive environmental sustainability plan outlines a bold and ambitious vision for transforming our economy, society, and relationship with the natural world. We are committed to taking decisive action to combat climate change, protect biodiversity, promote sustainable resource use, and build resilient communities. By investing in clean energy, green infrastructure, and sustainable practices across all sectors, we aim to create a thriving, low-carbon economy that works for both people and the planet. The following policy framework presents our key strategies and initiatives for achieving environmental sustainability:

  • Climate Change Mitigation
    • Invest in clean energy technologies, such as solar, wind, and geothermal power
    • Set ambitious targets for transitioning to a low-carbon economy
    • Promote energy efficiency in buildings, transportation, and industry
  • Renewable Energy Transition
    • Set ambitious targets for transitioning to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and green hydrogen power
    • Provide incentives for businesses and households to adopt renewable energy technologies
    • Invest in research and development of advanced renewable energy storage solutions
    • Phase out fossil fuel subsidies and gradually shift towards a carbon-neutral economy
  • Conservation and Biodiversity
    • Expand protected areas and national parks to preserve ecosystems and wildlife
    • Strengthen laws and enforcement against illegal logging, poaching, and wildlife trafficking
    • Promote sustainable land management practices in agriculture and forestry
    • Invest in research and monitoring of endangered species and habitats
  • Sustainable Resource Management
    • Promote circular economy principles to reduce waste and increase resource efficiency
    • Encourage sustainable procurement practices in government and private sector
    • Implement extended producer responsibility schemes for waste management
    • Support research and development of sustainable materials and technologies
  • Water Protection and Management
    • Strengthen regulations on water pollution and enforce strict penalties for violations
    • Invest in water infrastructure, including treatment plants and distribution networks
    • Promote water conservation and efficiency in agriculture, industry, and households
    • Develop comprehensive watershed management plans to protect water resources
  • Environmental Justice
    • Ensure equitable access to clean air, water, and green spaces for all communities
    • Engage and empower local communities in environmental decision-making processes
    • Address the disproportionate impacts of environmental hazards on vulnerable populations
    • Promote green jobs and sustainable economic development in disadvantaged areas
  • International Cooperation
    • Actively participate in global efforts to address climate change and biodiversity loss
    • Support developing countries in adopting sustainable practices and technologies
    • Promote trade policies that encourage environmentally friendly goods and services
    • Strengthen international agreements on environmental protection and sustainability
  • Education and Awareness
    • Integrate environmental education into school curricula at all levels
    • Support public awareness campaigns on environmental issues and sustainable practices
    • Encourage citizen participation in environmental stewardship and conservation efforts
    • Partner with NGOs and community organizations to promote environmental awareness

Our commitment to environmental protection is unwavering, and we will work tirelessly to build a greener, cleaner, and more resilient society.

The transformative potential of e-government in enhancing public service delivery, increasing transparency and accountability, and promoting citizen engagement is critical for a thriving nation. By harnessing the power of digital technologies, we can build a more efficient, responsive, and inclusive government that better serves the needs of all citizens. Our policy framework aims to create a comprehensive and sustainable e-government ecosystem that streamlines administrative processes, improves access to information and services, and empowers citizens to actively participate in decision-making processes. The development of a robust and secure digital infrastructure, ensuring universal access to affordable and reliable internet connectivity, is a top priority.

A comprehensive online portal will be developed to serve as a single point of access for all government services, information, and transactions, with a focus on digitizing high-demand services. The implementation of a secure and reliable digital identity system, the adoption of strong cybersecurity measures, and the promotion of public awareness and education on cybersecurity best practices are crucial components of our plan. Open government principles will be embraced by proactively disclosing government data, documents, and decision-making processes through online platforms, and the use of digital tools and platforms will be encouraged to facilitate public consultation, feedback, and participation in policy-making processes. A national digital literacy campaign will be launched, along with specialized training and capacity building programs for government officials.

Collaboration and knowledge sharing among government agencies, academia, and the private sector will be encouraged to foster innovation and the adoption of best practices in e-government. Ensuring the accessibility of e-government services and information to all citizens, including persons with disabilities, the elderly, and those with limited digital literacy skills, is a key priority. Clear performance indicators and targets will be established, regular audits and assessments will be conducted, and feedback and input from citizens, businesses, and other stakeholders will be sought to continuously improve the quality and responsiveness of e-government services. Success stories, lessons learned, and best practices will be shared with other countries and international organizations to contribute to the global advancement of e-government.

By implementing this comprehensive policy framework, our goal is to transform the way our government serves and interacts with citizens, businesses, and other stakeholders, fostering a more transparent, accountable, and participatory governance system that empowers all Sri Lankans to actively engage in shaping the future of our nation.

Our campaign strongly believes in the fundamental rights, dignity, and potential of all individuals, including those with disabilities. We recognize the challenges and barriers faced by the disabled community and are committed to creating an inclusive, accessible, and empowering society. Our policy framework aims to ensure equal opportunities, full participation, and improved quality of life for persons with disabilities. We will work tirelessly to eliminate discrimination, promote inclusivity, and provide the necessary support and resources for the disabled community to thrive.

  • Accessibility and Barrier-Free Environment
    • Ensure strict enforcement of accessibility standards in public spaces, transportation, and buildings
    • Provide incentives for businesses and organizations to create accessible environments
    • Invest in accessible technology and assistive devices to facilitate communication and mobility
    • Promote universal design principles in urban planning and development projects
  • Education and Skill Development
    • Ensure access to inclusive education for students with disabilities at all levels
    • Provide necessary accommodations, support services, and assistive technology in educational institutions
    • Develop targeted skill development programs and vocational training for persons with disabilities
    • Encourage inclusive practices and sensitization training for educators and staff
  • Employment and Economic Empowerment
    • Implement affirmative action policies to increase employment opportunities for persons with disabilities
    • Provide incentives for employers to hire and accommodate employees with disabilities
    • Support entrepreneurship and self-employment initiatives for persons with disabilities
    • Ensure equal pay and fair working conditions for employees with disabilities
  • Healthcare and Rehabilitation
    • Ensure access to quality healthcare services, including disability-specific care and rehabilitation
    • Provide affordable and accessible assistive technologies, devices, and medical equipment
    • Strengthen early intervention and diagnostic services for children with disabilities
    • Promote mental health support and counseling services for persons with disabilities and their families
  • Social Inclusion and Participation
    • Launch public awareness campaigns to promote understanding, acceptance, and inclusion of persons with disabilities
    • Support disabled people’s organizations and encourage their participation in policy-making processes
    • Promote inclusive sports, recreation, and cultural activities for persons with disabilities
    • Foster a culture of respect, dignity, and non-discrimination towards persons with disabilities
  • Disability Rights and Legal Framework
    • Strengthen legal protections against discrimination and ensure effective enforcement of disability rights laws
    • Ratify and implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)
    • Establish an independent disability rights commission to monitor and address grievances
    • Ensure access to justice and legal aid services for persons with disabilities
  • Research and Data Collection
    • Invest in research on disability issues, including prevalence, challenges, and best practices
    • Collect comprehensive and disaggregated data on disability to inform policy-making and resource allocation
    • Support innovation in assistive technologies, accessible design, and inclusive solutions
    • Foster collaboration between government, academia, and civil society organizations working on disability issues

By implementing this comprehensive policy framework, we aim to create a society where persons with disabilities can participate fully, live independently, and contribute their skills and talents. We are committed to breaking down barriers, promoting inclusion, and ensuring that the voices of the disabled community are heard and respected. Together, we can build a more inclusive, accessible, and equitable future for all.

We firmly believe in creating a nurturing environment that promotes the safety, health, and happiness of all children, ensuring that they can thrive and reach their full potential, regardless of their background or circumstances. We are committed to implementing comprehensive measures to prevent abuse, neglect, and exploitation, while also providing support and resources for children in need.

  • Child Protection and Abuse Prevention
    • Strengthen laws and penalties against child abuse, neglect, and exploitation
    • Establish a national database for tracking and monitoring cases of child abuse
    • Provide mandatory training for professionals working with children to identify and report signs of abuse
    • Launch public awareness campaigns to educate communities about child protection and reporting mechanisms
  • Foster Care and Adoption System Reform
    • Improve the screening, training, and support for foster parents to ensure safe and stable placements
    • Streamline the adoption process and provide incentives for families to adopt children in need
    • Increase funding for foster care services, including mental health support and educational resources
    • Prioritize family reunification efforts, when safe and appropriate, to maintain family bonds
  • Early Childhood Development and Education
    • Invest in high-quality, affordable, and accessible early childhood education programs
    • Provide support for parents and caregivers through parenting classes, home visiting programs, and resource centers
    • Ensure that all children have access to nutritious meals, healthcare, and developmental screenings
    • Promote inclusive and equitable early learning environments that foster social-emotional development
  • Juvenile Justice System Reform
    • Prioritize prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation efforts to reduce juvenile delinquency
    • Implement trauma-informed approaches and provide mental health services for youth in the juvenile justice system
    • Promote alternatives to detention, such as community-based programs and restorative justice practices
    • Ensure that incarcerated youth have access to quality education, vocational training, and reintegration support
  • Online Safety and Cyberbullying Prevention
    • Develop and enforce strict regulations for online platforms to protect children from harmful content and predators
    • Strengthen laws and regulations to criminalize online child abuse and exploitation, and provide adequate resources and training for law enforcement to investigate and prosecute these crimes
    • Promote digital literacy and cyber-safety education for children, parents, and educators
    • Establish clear reporting mechanisms and support services for victims of cyberbullying and online harassment
    • Encourage responsible online behavior and promote positive digital citizenship
    • Encourage online platforms and services to implement age-appropriate design, content moderation, and parental control features to create a safer online environment for children
  • Mental Health Support and Trauma-Informed Care
    • Increase funding for child and adolescent mental health services, including school-based counseling programs
    • Train educators, healthcare providers, and social workers in trauma-informed practices
    • Provide early intervention and support for children experiencing mental health challenges or trauma
    • Destigmatize mental health issues and promote a culture of emotional well-being and resilience
  • Collaborative Approach and Community Engagement
    • Foster collaboration among government agencies, schools, healthcare providers, and community organizations to ensure a coordinated approach to child safety
    • Engage parents, families, and communities in the development and implementation of child safety initiatives
    • Support community-based programs and services that promote child well-being and family stability
    • Regularly assess and evaluate the effectiveness of child safety policies and programs, making data-driven improvements as needed

By implementing this comprehensive policy framework, we aim to create a society where every child can grow up safe, healthy, and supported. We are committed to taking bold actions to prevent harm, protect the most vulnerable, and invest in the future of our children. Together, we can build a brighter future for all children, ensuring that they have the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.

individualism is the key to fostering innovation, creativity, and progress in society. We are committed to creating a society that respects and nurtures individual freedom, creativity, and self-expression while fostering a sense of personal responsibility and civic engagement. Our policy framework aims to empower individuals, remove barriers to personal growth and success, and create an enabling environment for all Sri Lankans to reach their full potential.

  • Protection of Individual Rights and Freedoms
    • Enshrine the protection of individual rights and freedoms in the Constitution, including the right to life, liberty, security, and privacy
    • Ensure that all laws and regulations respect individual autonomy and limit government interference in personal matters
    • Protect freedom of speech, expression, and belief, ensuring that individuals can express themselves without fear of censorship or persecution
    • Safeguard the right to property, enabling individuals to own, use, and dispose of their property as they see fit, subject to reasonable regulations
  • Education for Personal Development and Critical Thinking
    • Reform the education system to emphasize critical thinking, creativity, and independent learning, rather than rote memorization and conformity
    • Encourage a diverse range of educational options, including alternative schools, homeschooling, and vocational training, to cater to individual learning needs and interests
    • Promote lifelong learning opportunities, including adult education and skills development programs, to help individuals adapt to changing economic and social conditions
    • Foster a culture of intellectual curiosity, open-mindedness, and respectful dialogue, encouraging individuals to question, explore, and form their own opinions
  • Economic Freedom and Entrepreneurship
    • Adopt policies that promote economic freedom, reduce bureaucratic barriers, and encourage entrepreneurship and innovation
    • Simplify business registration and licensing procedures, making it easier for individuals to start and operate their own businesses
    • Provide access to finance, mentorship, and support services for entrepreneurs, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds
    • Promote fair competition and prevent monopolistic practices that stifle individual initiative and limit consumer choice
  • Individual Choice and Personal Responsibility
    • Respect individuals’ rights to make their own choices in matters of personal lifestyle, relationships, and beliefs, as long as they do not harm others
    • Promote a culture of personal responsibility, encouraging individuals to take ownership of their actions and decisions
    • Provide access to accurate and unbiased information to enable individuals to make informed choices about their health, finances, and other important matters
    • Foster a sense of civic responsibility, encouraging individuals to participate in community affairs and contribute to the greater good
  • Equality of Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
    • Ensure that all individuals have equal access to opportunities, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or socio-economic background
    • Implement anti-discrimination laws and policies to prevent unfair treatment in employment, education, housing, and other areas of life
    • Provide targeted support and resources to disadvantaged individuals and communities to help them overcome barriers and achieve their full potential
    • Foster a culture of inclusivity and respect for diversity, celebrating the unique contributions of individuals from all walks of life
  • Decentralization and Local Governance
    • Decentralize decision-making and resource allocation to local levels, giving individuals and communities greater control over issues that affect them directly
    • Encourage participatory governance mechanisms, such as citizen assemblies and referendums, to involve individuals in shaping policies and priorities
    • Foster a sense of local identity and pride, while also promoting national unity and shared values
    • Support the development of vibrant civil society organizations and community groups that empower individuals to take collective action and address local challenges

We believe that by empowering individuals to pursue their own paths and reach their full potential, we can build a more dynamic, innovative, and prosperous society for all. Our commitment to individual freedom, equality of opportunity, and personal responsibility will guide us as we work towards a brighter future for every Sri Lankan.

We have recognized the growing importance of the digital world in the lives of our citizens and the need to ensure a safe, secure, and trustworthy online environment for all. We believe that protecting the privacy and security of individuals, businesses, and government institutions in cyberspace is essential for fostering digital innovation, economic growth, and social well-being. Our policy framework aims to strengthen the legal and institutional framework for online safety, privacy, and cybersecurity, raise public awareness and digital literacy, and foster a culture of responsible digital citizenship.

  • Legal and Regulatory Framework
    • Enact a comprehensive data protection law, in line with international best practices, to safeguard the personal data of individuals and ensure transparency and accountability in data processing
    • Strengthen cybercrime laws and regulations to effectively investigate, prosecute, and deter cyber offenses, such as hacking, fraud, and online harassment
    • Establish clear and consistent rules for government surveillance and access to personal data, with strong oversight mechanisms and safeguards against abuse
    • Develop a national cybersecurity strategy and action plan, outlining priorities, roles, and responsibilities for different stakeholders in promoting cybersecurity
  • Institutional Capacity and Coordination
    • Establish a national cybersecurity agency to lead and coordinate efforts to protect critical infrastructure, respond to cyber incidents, and promote best practices in cybersecurity
    • Strengthen the capacity and resources of law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute cybercrime, through specialized training, tools, and international cooperation
    • Foster collaboration and information sharing among government agencies, private sector, and civil society organizations to identify and address emerging cyber threats and vulnerabilities
    • Participate actively in international forums and initiatives on cybersecurity and data protection, to learn from best practices and contribute to global efforts to promote a secure and open internet
  • Public Awareness and Education
    • Launch a national digital literacy and online safety campaign, targeting different age groups and communities, to raise awareness about online risks, privacy, and security best practices
    • Integrate digital citizenship and online safety education into school curricula, from primary to tertiary levels, to equip students with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly
    • Encourage media organizations, civil society groups, and technology companies to develop and disseminate accessible and engaging content on online safety, privacy, and security
    • Establish a national online safety helpline and online resource center to provide guidance, support, and referral services to individuals and families facing online risks or harms
  • Private Sector Engagement and Responsibility
    • Encourage private sector companies, particularly in the technology and online services sectors, to adopt and implement strong data protection, privacy, and security policies and practices
    • Promote the development and adoption of privacy-enhancing technologies and secure-by-design principles in the development of new products and services
    • Foster a culture of transparency and accountability among private sector companies in the collection, use, and sharing of personal data, through clear and concise privacy policies and user controls
    • Establish a regular dialogue and consultation mechanism between government and private sector on online safety, privacy, and security issues, to share knowledge, coordinate efforts, and address common challenges
  • Cybersecurity Research and Innovation
    • Invest in research and development of new technologies, tools, and approaches to enhance cybersecurity and protect against emerging threats, such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing
    • Encourage collaboration between universities, research institutions, and private sector companies to drive innovation and commercialization of cybersecurity solutions
    • Establish a national cybersecurity innovation hub and incubator to support startups and entrepreneurs in developing and scaling up innovative cybersecurity products and services
    • Provide funding and incentives for cybersecurity skills development and training programs, to build a strong and diverse cybersecurity workforce
  • International Cooperation and Diplomacy
  • Actively participate in international efforts to promote a free, open, and secure internet, and to develop global norms and standards for responsible state behavior in cyberspace
  • Strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation with other countries and international organizations to combat transnational cybercrime, share threat intelligence, and build capacity in cybersecurity
  • Promote the development and adoption of international frameworks and agreements on data protection, privacy, and cross-border data flows, to enable digital trade and innovation while protecting citizens’ rights
  • Engage in cyber diplomacy and confidence-building measures with other countries to reduce the risk of cyber conflict and promote stability and trust in cyberspace

We strongly believe that our commitment to strengthening legal and institutional frameworks, raising public awareness, fostering innovation and responsible private sector practices, and engaging in international cooperation will help to build a resilient and prosperous digital future for Sri Lanka.

We recognize that diversity is a source of strength and innovation, and that an inclusive society is essential for achieving sustainable peace, development, and social cohesion. Our policy framework aims to promote diversity and inclusion in all spheres of life, from education and employment to political participation and cultural expression.

  • Legal and Policy Framework
    • Strengthen anti-discrimination laws and policies to prohibit discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or ability in all areas of life, including education, employment, housing, and public services
    • Ensure that the Constitution and other laws recognize and protect the rights of all minorities and marginalized groups, in line with international human rights standards
    • Establish a National Diversity and Inclusion Commission to promote diversity and inclusion, monitor implementation of policies, and provide guidance and support to public and private sector organizations
    • Conduct regular diversity and inclusion audits of laws, policies, and practices to identify and address any barriers or gaps in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • Education and Awareness
    • Integrate diversity and inclusion education into school curricula, from primary to tertiary levels, to promote understanding, respect, and appreciation of diversity among students
    • Provide training and capacity building for teachers, school administrators, and university staff on diversity and inclusion, to create inclusive and welcoming learning environments
    • Launch public awareness and media campaigns to promote positive attitudes towards diversity and inclusion, and to challenge stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination
    • Encourage and support community-based initiatives and dialogues that bring together people from different backgrounds to foster understanding, trust, and social cohesion
  • Employment and Economic Empowerment
    • Implement affirmative action policies and programs to increase the representation of underrepresented groups in the workforce, particularly in leadership and decision-making positions
    • Encourage private sector companies to adopt diversity and inclusion policies and practices, through incentives, recognition, and public-private partnerships
    • Provide targeted support and resources for entrepreneurs and small businesses owned by members of underrepresented groups, to promote economic empowerment and inclusion
    • Strengthen labor laws and policies to ensure equal pay for equal work, and to prevent harassment and discrimination in the workplace
  • Political Participation and Representation
    • Adopt measures to increase the representation of women, minorities, and marginalized groups in political parties, elected offices, and decision-making bodies, such as quotas, reserved seats, or funding incentives
    • Encourage and support the formation and development of civil society organizations and networks that represent and advocate for the rights and interests of diverse communities
    • Ensure that electoral processes and political institutions are inclusive, accessible, and responsive to the needs and aspirations of all citizens, particularly those from marginalized or underrepresented groups
    • Foster a culture of inclusive and participatory governance, through regular consultations, dialogues, and feedback mechanisms with diverse communities and stakeholders
  • Cultural Diversity and Heritage
    • Recognize and celebrate the cultural diversity of Sri Lanka, including the languages, traditions, arts, and heritage of all communities and regions
    • Provide support and resources for cultural institutions, such as museums, libraries, and arts centers, to showcase and promote the rich cultural heritage of Sri Lanka
    • Encourage and support intercultural dialogues, exchanges, and collaborations, to foster mutual understanding, respect, and appreciation among different communities
    • Protect and promote the rights of indigenous and minority communities to preserve and practice their cultural traditions, languages, and ways of life
  • Research and Data Collection
    • Invest in research and data collection on diversity and inclusion, to better understand the challenges, opportunities, and best practices for promoting diversity and inclusion
    • Develop and implement a comprehensive diversity and inclusion monitoring and evaluation framework, to track progress, measure impact, and identify areas for improvement
    • Encourage and support academic and policy research on diversity and inclusion, to inform evidence-based policymaking and practice
    • Foster partnerships and collaborations between government, academia, civil society, and private sector to share knowledge, expertise, and resources on diversity and inclusion

Our commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in all spheres of life, from education and employment to political participation and cultural expression, will help to build a stronger, more resilient, and more prosperous nation for all Sri Lankans.

Investing in social security and social protection is not only a moral imperative but also a critical foundation for building a more inclusive, resilient, and prosperous nation. Our policy framework aims to strengthen and expand the social security system, improve the targeting and delivery of social assistance programs, and promote greater social inclusion and empowerment.

  • Universal Social Protection Floor
    • Implement a universal social protection floor that guarantees access to essential healthcare, basic income security, and social services for all citizens
    • Ensure that the social protection floor is adequately funded, efficiently managed, and responsive to the diverse needs of different population groups
    • Gradually expand the coverage and benefits of the social protection floor, in line with national priorities and fiscal capacities
  • Pension System Reform
    • Reform the pension system to ensure its long-term sustainability, adequacy, and equity
    • Introduce a multi-pillar pension system that combines a universal basic pension, a contributory social insurance scheme, and voluntary private savings
    • Provide special support and incentives for private and informal sector workers, self-employed individuals, and other vulnerable groups to participate in the pension system
  • Unemployment Insurance and Active Labor Market Policies
    • Establish an unemployment insurance scheme that provides temporary income support and reemployment services for workers who lose their jobs
    • Strengthen active labor market policies, such as skills training, job search assistance, and entrepreneurship support, to help unemployed workers transition to new jobs or start their own businesses
    • Promote greater coordination and collaboration between employment services, social assistance programs, and economic development initiatives
  • Targeted Social Assistance Programs
    • Improve the targeting and delivery of social assistance programs, such as cash transfers, food aid, and housing assistance, to ensure that they reach the most vulnerable and needy households
    • Use innovative approaches, such as community-based targeting, geographic targeting, and proxy means testing, to identify and prioritize beneficiaries
    • Strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of social assistance programs to assess their impact, efficiency, and effectiveness, and to inform continuous improvement
  • Sustainable and Equitable Financing
    • Ensure that the social security system and social safety net are sustainably and equitably financed, through a combination of contributory and non-contributory mechanisms
    • Explore innovative financing options, such as social impact bonds, solidarity taxes, and public-private partnerships, to mobilize additional resources for social protection
    • Promote greater transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the management and allocation of social security funds, to build public trust and support for the system
  • Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening
    • Invest in the capacity building and institutional strengthening of social security and social protection agencies, to improve their performance, responsiveness, and integrity
    • Provide training and support for social workers, case managers, and other frontline staff, to enhance their skills and motivation in delivering social services and assistance
    • Strengthen the coordination and collaboration among different government agencies, civil society organizations, and private sector partners involved in social security and social protection

Our commitment to investing in social protection and social inclusion will not only enhance the well-being and dignity of our citizens but also contribute to building a more cohesive, resilient, and prosperous nation for generations to come.

Our campaign is firmly committed to promoting gender equality, empowering women, and ensuring their full participation in the economy and all spheres of life. It is evident that despite progress in recent years, women in Sri Lanka still face significant barriers and discrimination that limit their opportunities and potential. Our policy framework aims to address these challenges head-on and create an enabling environment for women to thrive and contribute to the country’s development and prosperity.

  • Legal and Policy Reforms
    • Review and amend all laws and policies that discriminate against women or perpetuate gender inequalities, in line with international human rights standards and best practices
    • Enact comprehensive legislation on gender equality and women’s rights, covering areas such as employment, education, healthcare, property rights, and violence against women
    • Establish a National Commission on Women to monitor the implementation of gender-responsive policies and programs, and to provide oversight and redress for violations of women’s rights
    • Strengthen labor laws and enforcement mechanisms to protect women workers from discrimination, harassment, and exploitation in the workplace
    • Promote collective bargaining and social dialogue to improve women’s working conditions and wages, particularly in feminized and low-paid sectors
  • Economic Empowerment and Workforce Participation
    • Implement targeted programs and initiatives to support women’s entrepreneurship, skills development, and access to finance, markets, and technology, particularly in high-growth and male-dominated sectors
    • Promote women’s participation and leadership in trade unions, business associations, and other economic decision-making bodies
    • Address the gender pay gap and occupational segregation through pay equity legislation, job evaluation schemes, and awareness-raising campaigns
    • Invest in care infrastructure and services, such as childcare and elder care, to enable women’s labor force participation and reduce their unpaid care burden
  • Education and Skills Development
    • Ensure equal access to quality education and training opportunities for girls and women at all levels, including in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields
    • Promote gender-responsive curricula and teaching practices that challenge gender stereotypes and promote positive role models for girls and women
    • Provide scholarships, mentoring, and other support services through public and private partnerships to encourage girls and women to pursue higher education and professional development opportunities
  • Promoting Women’s Entrepreneurship
    • Establish a Women’s Entrepreneurship Development Fund to provide access to finance, training, and mentoring for women entrepreneurs, particularly in rural and underserved areas
    • Create women-friendly business incubation and acceleration programs to support the growth and scaling up of women-owned enterprises
    • Promote the adoption of gender-responsive public procurement policies and practices that incentivize and support women-owned businesses
    • Foster linkages and partnerships between women entrepreneurs and large corporations, exporters, and investors to facilitate market access and business opportunities
  • Financial Inclusion and Access to Credit
    • Develop and implement a National Financial Inclusion Strategy that facilitates women’s access to and usage of formal financial services, such as savings, credit, insurance, and digital payments
    • Support financial institutions to design and offer tailored products and services that meet the needs of women entrepreneurs and consumers, such as collateral-free loans and microinsurance
    • Introduce financial literacy and education programs for women, particularly in rural and low-income areas, to build their financial management skills and confidence
  • Ending Violence Against Women
    • Enact and enforce comprehensive legislation on domestic violence, sexual harassment, and other forms of gender-based violence, with clear provisions for prevention, protection, and prosecution
    • Ensure that all laws, policies, and procedures related to sexual and domestic violence prioritize the privacy, confidentiality, and dignity of survivors
    • Establish a network of one-stop crisis centers that provide integrated services for survivors of violence, including medical care, legal aid, counseling, and shelter
    • Establish clear protocols and guidelines for law enforcement, healthcare providers, and other frontline responders to protect the privacy and confidentiality of survivors throughout the reporting, investigation, and judicial processes
    • Scale up prevention efforts, including nationwide awareness-raising campaigns, community mobilization, and educational programs that challenge the root causes and risk factors of domestic violence
    • Engage men and boys as allies and change agents in preventing violence and promoting gender equality and respect for women’s rights

we aim to unlock the full potential of women as economic actors and contributors to Sri Lanka’s development. Our commitment to advancing women’s rights and economic participation is grounded in the recognition that gender equality is not only a moral imperative but also a smart economic choice. We believe that by investing in women entrepreneurs, promoting financial inclusion, and ending violence against women, we can build a more inclusive, resilient, and prosperous economy that benefits all.

Our campaign recognizes the invaluable contributions that senior citizens have made to the development and progress of our nation, and we are committed to ensuring their well-being, dignity, and quality of life in their golden years. We believe that providing comprehensive support and care services for the elderly is not only a moral imperative but also a smart investment in the social fabric and human capital of our country. Our policy framework aims to create an enabling environment for senior citizens to lead healthy, active, and fulfilling lives, with access to quality healthcare, financial security, social support, and opportunities for participation and lifelong learning.

  • Healthcare and Long-term Care
    • Ensure universal access to quality and affordable healthcare services for senior citizens, including preventive care, chronic disease management, and geriatric care
    • Introduce an affordable national health insurance scheme specifically designed for senior citizens, with subsidized premiums for low-income households and coverage for a wide range of healthcare services, including prescription drugs, medical devices, and long-term care
    • Develop and implement a comprehensive long-term care system, including home-based care, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes, to meet the diverse needs and preferences of senior citizens
  • Income Security and Pension Reform
    • Undertake a comprehensive reform of the existing pension system to ensure adequate, sustainable, and  equitable old-age income security for all senior citizens, including those in the informal sector and those without prior employment history
    • Introduce a multi-pillar pension system that combines a universal basic pension, contributory schemes, and voluntary retirement savings, to provide a diversified and resilient source of income in old age
    • Ensure regular adjustment of pension benefits to keep pace with inflation and living costs, and to maintain a decent standard of living for retirees
  • Social Participation and Lifelong Learning
    • Promote the concept of active aging and create opportunities for senior citizens to remain physically, mentally, and socially active and engaged in their communities
    • Establish and support senior centers, and community organizations that offer a range of social, recreational, and educational activities for senior citizens
    • Encourage and facilitate the participation of senior citizens in voluntary work, intergenerational programs, and lifelong learning initiatives, to promote their sense of purpose, self-esteem, and social inclusion
    • Invest in digital literacy and inclusion programs for senior citizens, to enable them to access online services, information, and social networks
  • Elder Rights and Protection
    • Enact and enforce comprehensive legislation on elder rights, protection, and care, in line with international human rights standards and best practices
    • Establish a national elder protection system, including a network of elder protection officers, helplines, and shelters, to prevent, detect, and respond to cases of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation
    • Provide training and support for caregivers, healthcare professionals, and law enforcement officials on identifying and reporting signs of elder abuse, and on providing sensitive and appropriate care and support for victims
    • Launch public awareness campaigns and educational programs to combat ageism, discrimination, and social stigma against senior citizens, and to promote their rights, dignity, and social inclusion
  • Accessibility and Mobility
    • Ensure that public transportation systems are accessible, affordable, and senior-friendly, with features such as low-floor buses, priority seating, and assistance services
    • Introduce discounted fares for senior citizens on all modes of public transport, including buses, trains, and ferries, to enable them to maintain their mobility and social connections
    • Promote the development and adoption of assistive technologies and devices, such as mobility aids, hearing aids, and visual aids, to enable senior citizens to maintain their independence and quality of life
    • Invest in the creation of safe, accessible, and age-friendly public spaces and buildings, including parks, libraries, and community centers
    • Provide subsidies and incentives for the purchase and maintenance of mobility scooters, wheelchairs, and other assistive devices for senior citizens with mobility limitations
  • Affordable Medicines and Healthcare Products
    • Implement price control measures and subsidies for essential medicines and healthcare products commonly used by senior citizens, such as prescription drugs for chronic conditions, medical devices, and mobility aids
    • Negotiate bulk procurement agreements with pharmaceutical companies and suppliers to secure lower prices for medicines and healthcare products for senior citizens
    • Expand the list of essential medicines and healthcare products covered under the national health insurance scheme, with a focus on the specific needs of senior citizens
  • Caregiving and Support Services
    • Develop and implement a comprehensive caregiver support program, including financial assistance, respite care, counseling, and training services for family caregivers
    • Establish a network of community-based support services for senior citizens, including home care, meal delivery, transportation, and housekeeping services
    • Promote the professionalization and training of the eldercare workforce, including geriatric nurses, social workers, and personal care aides
  • Research and Innovation
    • Establish a national research institute on aging and senior citizens’ issues, to conduct empirical studies, policy analysis, and program evaluations, and to inform evidence-based policy-making and planning
    • Promote research and innovation in areas such as healthy aging, age-related diseases, assistive technologies, and age-friendly environments, to improve the quality of life and well-being of senior citizens
    • Foster partnerships and collaborations between government, academia, civil society, and the private sector, to leverage expertise, resources, and best practices in addressing the challenges and opportunities of population aging

We aim to create a society where every senior citizen of our country can age with dignity, security, and well-being, and can continue to contribute their wisdom, experience, and skills to the development and progress of our nation. Our commitment to ensuring the well-being and dignity of senior citizens is rooted in our values of respect, compassion, and social justice, and in our vision of a caring and inclusive society that leaves no one behind.

The acquisition of skills is crucial for both labor force participation and productivity. With the emergence of fast-evolving technologies and changing work structures, routine jobs that are easy to automate are disappearing, while new employment opportunities demand non-routine skills such as coding, creativity, analysis, interpersonal skills, and on-demand trades. Our aim is to ensure that every member of the labor force can acquire at least one of these in-demand skills through schools, universities, and structured training programs (both online and offline) before entering the workforce. Our National Skills Development program, along with the Job Bank/Career Centers initiative, will help employers find the most suitable candidates and employees to find their desired careers. The program is designed according to future market inputs and global standards, and it will be regularly reviewed and updated every five years to adapt to the changing skills required in the job market.


We recognize that bribery and corruption pose significant threats to the integrity, development, and well-being of our nation. As such, we are committed to implementing robust reforms to prevent and combat bribery and corruption at all levels of society.

Strengthening Anti-Corruption Institutions: We will strengthen anti-corruption institutions, such as the Bribery Commission, by providing them with adequate resources, personnel, and authority to effectively investigate and prosecute cases of bribery and corruption. Additionally, we will ensure the independence and impartiality of these institutions to instill public trust and confidence in their work.

Enhancing Transparency and Accountability: We will promote transparency and accountability in government institutions and public services to reduce opportunities for bribery and corruption. This includes implementing measures such as asset disclosure requirements for public officials, open procurement processes, and whistleblower protection mechanisms to expose and deter corrupt practices.

Strengthening Legal Frameworks: We will review and strengthen existing laws and regulations related to bribery and corruption to close loopholes and enhance enforcement mechanisms. This includes introducing stricter penalties for offenders, expanding the scope of anti-corruption laws to cover new forms of corruption, and facilitating international cooperation to combat cross-border corruption.

Promoting Ethical Leadership: We will promote ethical leadership and integrity in both the public and private sectors through education, training, and awareness campaigns. We will work to instill a culture of zero tolerance for bribery and corruption, emphasizing the importance of ethical conduct, honesty, and accountability in all aspects of governance and business.

Empowering Civil Society and Media: We will empower civil society organizations, the media, and other stakeholders to play an active role in monitoring, reporting, and advocating against bribery and corruption. We will support initiatives that promote citizen engagement, transparency, and accountability, enabling them to hold public officials and institutions accountable for their actions.

In conclusion, the National People’s Party is committed to implementing comprehensive reforms to prevent and combat bribery and corruption in Sri Lanka. By strengthening anti-corruption institutions, enhancing transparency and accountability, strengthening legal frameworks, promoting ethical leadership, and empowering civil society and the media, we will create a more just, equitable, and corruption-free society for all Sri Lankans.

We recognize that a fair and impartial judiciary, coupled with effective law enforcement, is essential for upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice for all citizens. As such, we are committed to implementing comprehensive reforms to strengthen the judiciary and enhance law and order across Sri Lanka.

Judicial Independence: We pledge to uphold the principle of judicial independence and ensure that the judiciary remains free from political interference or influence. We will safeguard the autonomy of the judiciary and uphold the separation of powers to ensure that justice is administered impartially and without bias.

Judicial Accountability: We advocate for greater accountability within the judiciary to enhance public trust and confidence in the legal system. This includes establishing mechanisms for transparent judicial appointments, promotions, and disciplinary proceedings, as well as ensuring that judges are held accountable for any misconduct or malpractice.

Access to Justice: We are committed to improving access to justice for all citizens, particularly marginalized and vulnerable groups. We will work to reduce case backlogs, streamline legal procedures, and enhance legal aid services to ensure that justice is accessible and affordable to all, regardless of socio-economic status.

Law Enforcement Reforms: We recognize the importance of effective law enforcement in maintaining public safety and combating crime. We will invest in training, resources, and technology for law enforcement agencies to enhance their capabilities in crime prevention, investigation, and prosecution. Additionally, we will prioritize community policing initiatives to strengthen trust and collaboration between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve.

Criminal Justice Reform: We will undertake comprehensive reforms of the criminal justice system to ensure fairness, efficiency, and effectiveness in the administration of justice. This includes reviewing and updating existing laws, enhancing rehabilitation and reintegration programs for offenders, and promoting alternative dispute resolution mechanisms to reduce reliance on the traditional court system.

In conclusion, we are committed to implementing bold reforms to strengthen the judiciary and improve law and order across Sri Lanka. By upholding the principles of judicial independence, accountability, and access to justice, we will work to build a legal system that serves the interests of all citizens and upholds the rule of law in our nation.